I have found that vintage riders are generally the other way round, cool, relaxed, easy going & friendly. Sure there are 1 or 2 who can be a bit "cranky" in certain situations, but it's by far not the norm. I find modern racers to be the cranky uptight ones, after all most of them are racing for the sheep station ($2 trophy) at the end of the meeting. My interest in modern racing took a big down turn last season when I was blatantly taken out in the first lap of practise for gods sake! I had the line but the guy behind me was on a mission to win the practise and he just T boned me and we both went down in a screaming heap. He got up and f*&$ed off, while I was left tangled up in my bike. No injuries, but twisted front end, broken gear lever, broken brake lever. This guy was not an over eager 16 year old either, but over 40 and should have known better. It's the Walt Disney Goofy & Mr. Speed thing. Some people pull a helmet on and disengage the brain. Vintage racers are usually not like that, if you need to give someone a bit of room, you do.