Author Topic: Land issues in Japan  (Read 4171 times)

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Re: Land issues in Japan
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2011, 11:50:33 am »
Japanese have a different attitude to race tracks, the famous Suzuka circuit is smack bang in the middle of suburbia, no calls to close it down, no complaints (yet).

Hey, it comes with an amusement park  ;D


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Re: Land issues in Japan
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2011, 02:30:03 pm »
As far as I know Japan have been the absolute best in the world at protecting their native forests. Masses of land that is being preserved and while it could be built on (as quite a bit is flat), the logic is that why ruin the land when it is much more cost effective (and environmentally sound) to build up and keep people's living quite congested.

Though some times it was a little too tight (I lived with 2 other blokes in a 36sq metre place for a while!) the Japanese do have some good ideas when it comes to living and preservation.

I completely agree with whoever mentioned the beauty of their countryside. It took me 12 months until I first left Tokyo, 2 hours of pure city then it suddenly opened up into beautiful countryside.


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Re: Land issues in Japan
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2011, 05:02:57 pm »
Even between Narita and Tokyo city centre I was blown away by the countryside. Strange that "The last Samurai" was filmed in NZ.  ::)

The Japanese with their large population and lack of arable land and raw materials have, for many years, faced the problem that they need to import much of its produce and raw materials. This is the reason for their aggression, be it martial agression as in the case of the second world war or, as is the case now, aggressively exporting their products.*

Now before any Nipponophiles attack me I stated earlier that I admire them. Anybody who can move from a feudel to industrialised society within 50 years earns my respect.

*There are many parallels between the UK and Japan in this regard.