hang on!

I am in the tropics!

anyway this little bike has been sitting since Connondale in June (I thunk) not an issue right..weeeeeeell..maybe..take a gander at this little RM50 water pumper!
I pulled the top end and it's lovely so why would I even consider the bottom end to be much different...maybe the litre of fresh water that emerged from the drain plug when I removed it...

...errrr..big oops! and it's been sitting like this for 6 months or more!

when I took it outside it appeared even worse than than I thought!

anyway upon closer inspection it may not be as bad as it seems, best get the hose and defy the water restrictions and hose the bugger out so I can at least see the case screws and stuff!

never hosed out a complete engine before so this was a first for me

was kinda fun and nice not to smell like degreaser when I'd finished but I had to split, wash and dry it like a demon to avoid any further corrosion problems

anyway all well that ends well, luck has it there is not one speck of rust to any hardened surface and the only real parts damaged were the metal clutch plates that did corrode beyond servicable limits.

all done and it's probably did us both a big favour as I was only going to replace the mains but for what it's worth I'll now do the lot