Ive gone blind so i have no idea what your all talking about ?
Best Just watch for his grin, keep watching ,if you dont see it, the second jiggle of his head.
its there, well more a bruce wayne smirt, : but a grin none the less
On the second giggle insert menatlly the words 'hey hey' in your head, then it gets real funny.
TRy lots of your own words it gets funnier every time ithink of clever saying like
- ' spiderman pffft............. feel this Batweb"
- '' somthing a little special i have here in mY utility belt"
- insert the usual BATman "Just..cant... reach the ( In a ... hard .... talking ...like ...he ...is climbing ...a... wall.. vioce effect".)
ahh you get the drill, trust me it gets funner every time, ill try to keep my post count up so you can Look forward to reading the forums