I've got a rough, incomplete 84 KDX200B1, thanks to the generosity of Yumastepside.
It's my first ever Kawasaki, so I have no contacts, and know no secret handshakes or any of that.
Went into Canberra's Kawasaki dealer today, trying to track down a tail-light lens (among a big list of other things), and while they were wonderfully polite and friendly, they were somewhat less than useful*...
So sod 'em.
Where should I be trying to spend my money instead?
*To be fair, I then walked over to the Honda parts counter of the same place, and after the young guy got over the 'whoa, you're spending money on a 20 year old bike" thing, they were polite, friendly AND helpful. I was happy to offer them my money, but they refused until they know they can get the bits. I was pleasantly surprised.