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Offline Graeme M

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Bob Greenwood Memorial MX at Canberra
« on: October 24, 2008, 12:04:20 pm »
For anyone within striking distance of Canberra who might be interested in a final hitout for the year, the ACTMCC will be holding its annual Bob Greenwood Memorial MX on Sunday 30 November 2008. This event will also be the final round of the club's 2008 series so one day, club, and national licences are OK.

As usual, the club will include Old School and Over 35s classes. Races are held over 4 laps and there'll be three rounds of racing.  You could ride both classes and get up to 6 races plus practice, not bad value at all.

We get up to 10 regulars in the Old School class now, and the race is usually combined with the senior women's class so it means you'll have more than a bunch of grizzled old ugly bastards to stare at on the startline.

Most of the guys ride Pre 85 bikes, but don't let that put you off if you have an Evo or Pre 78 bike. The track is usually pretty reasonable for these bikes as well and you're bound to have a good day's racing. Heck, I've even been convinced to give it a go on the 75 RM125, so at least everyone is guaranteed they'll have someone behind them! And in between races there is plenty of panting, wheezing and bench racing to keep you busy.

Entries close Wednesday 26 November.

Get all the info here on the club's website:

Offline Graeme M

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Re: Bob Greenwood Memorial MX at Canberra
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2008, 08:59:25 pm »
Hmmm... just occurs to me that the ACT Old School class is pretty close to a 'Pre 90' class... Whoops. Does this mean... gulp... if I ride there I'll be struck down by lightning? Or worse, struck off the VMX register? Honestly guys, it's just that rotter Twistandshout who's riding a bike that's younger than Pre 85!! The rest of us are still dinky-di vintage motocrossers.

Offline Graeme M

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Re: Bob Greenwood Memorial MX at Canberra
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2008, 02:07:31 pm »
Getting close to this one. Anyone interested in riding it will need to pre-enter - entries close 26 November I think. Should be a good day, there seems to be a lot of enthusiasm around for it.

In fact, I have to say the ACT club is full of enthusiasm full stop, they really are going all out to raise the profile of the club and improve the facilities. We are looking to some big things next year, and the latest news is the possible addition of a SuperTrak. I'll post a separate thread about this concept, as I'd be interested in opinions about it...

Meanwhile, the word is that gun ACT Honda rider, Twistandshout, has been seen out training like a madman because the Bob Greenwood event is the final club day for the year and apparently he's in the running for a trophy. I'm expecting a big influx of groupies and girly type hero worshippers to this one!

Offline Graeme M

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Re: Bob Greenwood Memorial MX at Canberra
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2008, 07:00:17 pm »
Looking good for this weekend, you ACT Old Schoolers. Should be a decent rollup and the weather could be OK too. What's really scary though is that Dennis has talked me into riding the KTM250 (84-ish I think it is). It looks the goods - single shock, disk front, nice fresh tyres. Hmmm... so, I should be able to holeshot on that, and then be a rolling roadblock for the rest of ya. Which means that Gezza needs to get around me quick smart while I hold up Krafty and Snowy to ensure that 3rd place trophy! Seriously though, you'd hope I could place better than I do on the 75 RM125. No excuses come Monday, I guess.

Offline DG 26

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Re: Bob Greenwood Memorial MX at Canberra
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2008, 08:40:12 pm »
Giday Greame M
I have just got the OK to ride from the wife .could you please pre enter me?
do I nead to be a canberra member ?
pre 85/evo class & over 35's?
Thanks don

Offline Graeme M

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Re: Bob Greenwood Memorial MX at Canberra
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2008, 09:09:06 pm »
G'day Don, yep, you need to be a Canberra member, but I believe you can get a day membership for $10. Don't quote me on that but I think it's right.

I can give the race secretary a ring if you need me to, so let me know. Entries close tomorrow (Wednesday) but I believe they'll take late entries with no extra fee. If you can though, get onto Darylene yourself on mob 0402854414. You can get all the details off the entry form here:

Offline DG 26

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Re: Bob Greenwood Memorial MX at Canberra
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2008, 09:31:38 pm »
Giday Graeme
Thanks for the Info .Will ring Darylene tomorrow .printed of the entry form and are keen go go
Don  ;D

Re: Bob Greenwood Memorial MX at Canberra
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2008, 09:11:33 am »
Great to hear you'll be joining us Don, you'll be a welcome addition.  The club just put out a press release about the event, mainly to push the fact that several top Aussie riders will be there to compete, as they're in Canberra for an AIS MX training camp next week.  They'll be some top level racing to watch as we recover in the pits!

Offline Graeme M

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Re: Bob Greenwood Memorial MX at Canberra
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2008, 10:14:09 am »
Whaddya mean, watch as we recover in the pits? If last meeting is anything to go by, I won't be in any state to watch anything as I sit there gulping in air and wheezing my life away. I swear that the more I train the worse I get. Next year I am only riding at meetings with smooth straight tracks, two lap races, and beautiful girls in the pits with fans and cold drinks...