Why does "Stralia" use MA?
The short answer is insurance
The first thing everyone thinks of for insurance is for the rider but its actually insurance for the landowner that is needed to be able to secure venues.
With MA the landowner is covered so its easy to go to a farmer and ask to use their land and explain that they will be exempt from any claims.
Secondly its needed for officials for much the same reasons
To say we ride at our own risk is fine for the perfect world but the perfect world doesn't actually exist and when the shit hits the fan their will be someone chasing reimbursement for their bad luck, that's just the reality of it.
And no I'm not part of the MA fan club, getting independent insurance would be great but its just not that easy.
Vinduro's in Victoria are currently being screwed over by MA, we ride registered bikes in State forests which are deemed public roads but now MV want $15 levy for every entrant to cover public liability for events despite the fact that our licenced riders are covered for most insurance by TAC, we just need to cover officials for the odd bushwalker that trips over his shoelaces while jumping out the way.
Non competitive Vinduro's now have more MA fees that races