I just hade a good sample the other day . A forum member requested some dustseals for a foreign brand of shocks. I hade no stock , so I hade to order them of a rival company. They only cost $3.53 each +GST,but their minimum charge is $18.50 with Australian Air. If I went along with that , the two seals would have cost him $28 + GST +Postage to his adress.
In order to avoid being called a ripp off merchant , I decided to order 20 pieces , share the freight and supply the seals for $10.00 each. (how long it will take to use the other 18 pieces , I dont know)
Today its not so much the cost of the initial part , its the handling , packaging , spending time on the phone or answer E-mails to sell a $5 part .
The answer to that is . for small items buy more then one piece or pay the price for someone to handle it .
It cost the company oversea the same to send one small piece or 10 or 100. But to the enduser that can make a huge difference.