Author Topic: New Pre 2000 Format-Races for 2015  (Read 729 times)

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New Pre 2000 Format-Races for 2015
« on: October 11, 2014, 12:24:00 pm »

Latest Update on the Pre 2000 Races, Hosted by Bendigo MCC

My aim is to keep this Pre 2000 format very simple and clear cut and not have a book of rules.

 1: We will have Pony Express Pre 2000, Pre 90 Pre 80 classes for both Enduro & Moto-X Bikes these will run in the same classes all classes will run at the same time together, there will be open pairs class with no combined age limit, you can have 1 bike each and it must be for the same year class, in other words if you enter Pre 80 class both bikes must be Pre 80, remember to change your tag from bike to bike when you take a rest or your laps will not be counted. if one bike brakes down you can ride the remaining bike.

2: The events will run for 4 hours exactly then last lap board will come out and those that do the last lap will NOT DNF more info on how this will work to come,  the starts of races will be ( Current Hattah Start style ) there will be no waiting 1 hour before you are out on the track racing.

3: All bikes entering a class must not be built after Dec of each cut off year, there will be zero discussion about this format-rule, so don't turn up on a 2002 bike and say it's close why cant I ride it to, We have format - rules and this one I will be making sure is spot on, This format has a huge range of years to find a bike that will fit in with the race-format.

4: Transponders will not be getting used, we will have a plastic tag system zipped tied to the handle bars for laps completed, this is by far the best way to keep entry costs down for people interested in racing in the Pre 2000 format, running it this way though means I will need people to put there hand up to do the punching holes in the cards at 2 different spots on the loop, this will stop anyone shortening up the loops for themselves, we also need time keepers for the special test section, please contact me if you can help out.

5: Iron Man age classes will be 16 to 29, 30 to 44 & 45 + you can have 2 bikes but they must be for the same year class bike, so if you enter Pre 80 both bikes must be Pre 80 remember to change your tag from bike to bike or your laps will not be counted.

For more info and updates checkout the EBT Forum

We are looking for sponsors for this new exciting format of racing, if you can help out in anyway big or small, either with prizes or money it would be most appreciated, you would be on our sponsors event flyers and get major social media and motorbike forums etc.

Regards Mick.

If you can help out or have any questions contact Mick Williams on 0407 887 109.