Sorry it's not a VMX question, but I'm in the deep end and need help and i'm sure there is someone that can help. I bought a RM125 (99 or 00) from a dealer earlier this year and whilst i have taken care of the little yellow monster, it has seized the bottom end. In the quest to re-build the engine i need to clearly understand what year the bike is. Easy you would think, but... the bike appears to be a Japanese import that does not have the global 17 digit VIN system rather a serial number that means nothing to me or any Suzuki dealer that i have contacted, In fact as soon as i mention "Japanese Domestic", they shrug their shoulders. I am also taking a guess that along the way the bike has been frankenstiened with a different engine as the engine number also makes no sence. Checking the web for spec's, brochures etc, the bikes appear to be identical except the piston, the bit that need. Does anyone have an idea of what the specific differences are between the 1999 and 2000 RM125. By the way the bike has a one industries seat/graphic kit so the visual ID from the graphics is out the door.