well, it seems all the best laid plans go to waste when it comes to motorcycling

rings I had on order to be delivered by early next week seem to have grown legs and walked as the seller now informs me the rings I purchased have gone awol! Anyway, would anyone have a set of 0.25mm rings to suit a TS/TC/TM/RV/DS125. They are for my 125S but it runs thicker rings (RM125M) and not the original thin race or kit type that need to be replaced every 3 or so hours. Ironically I have some of those on the shelf

zee part number of said rings I'm hunting could be 12140-28011-025 or 12140-28010-025 or 12140-28760 Have tried locally but no go and too late for OS. I have 1 new ring so even a partial set would do

I will buy parts or if I have a set you need maybe a swap but whatever I'm going to need them before next Wednesday/Thursday at latest which is cutting things a little fine. I know I know, I should have had all this sorted out prior but I honestly thought the bore was 1mm over for which I have plenty of rings hence there was no urgency to swap them..oops

the bore is 56.25mm so CR125 or any brand rings would work so long as they fit the ring groove. 1.25mm thick x 2.00 wide are the std ring dimensions give or take a poofteenth cause I don't have a set of totally accurate verniers.