hi ,dirt bike nov71 compared the rt1mx to the kitted bighorn in a 10 pg. comparo. RT1 MX tests can be found in Cycle guide sep70
Modern cycle jul71, cycle illustrated mar71. dirt bike dec71 did a "pipe comparo" for rtimx for Torque,Bassani,Hooker with dyno readouts
Cycle guide mar71 apr71 jul71 aug71 -4 part dt1 chassis and handling articles 14 pgs. Cycle guide oct 71 nov71 feb72-3 part article
"lightweight weapon" 18 pgs total 52lb weight saving-this is on a DT1mx ,but mostly relavent .
Dirt Bike mar72 9pg article comparing hindall,cheney and champion frames,all frame measurements,angles,weights ,all fitted with dt1mx
engine but still useful.very sorry I have no way to copy these articles at the moment,scanner dead. cheers grant.