The good old forum has done it again. The bike and parts have now finally been sold. I knew it would be a hard sell, due to its rarity. Thanks to the forum and its google rating, the ad has been number one for a few years. But finally, out of the blue, the son of a GP rider I used to race against in Europe, e-mailed me and wanted to know if it was still available. We agreed to a fair price including all spares. So glad it is going back to where it came from and its history +glory can now live on. So many times, I was close to take it down to Sims…. instead of handing it to a low baller that would run it into the ground. Facebook, eBay, market place, they just attracted those type of time waisters. Like a few times in the past, the forum was always the best source of advertising and for free. I can now finally close that chapter and move on. Happy days. I will miss that bike in a way, it has taken me to places in the world I would have otherwise never been to. It has opened doors and many friend ships. I got married on it and then later has given the family reasons to travel together in Australia doing the odd race.The fond memories of that endless power and the sound of a Ferrari will stay with me forever. What a privilege it has been.