Thanks Noel,
Pete and his band of locals did fantastic work on Friday PM and all Saturday as well.
The Club owes a very big thankyou to Terex for free hire of a PT100 posi-drive loader and attachments. What a fantastic bit of kit no wonder the 2011 Aust SX series were so excited when Terex provided their equipment for the whole series. This thing weighs >4 tonne but moves around and works on wet ground with barely a mark. Awesome had nearly as much fun on it as the Husky CR500
A local resident also provided a 70hp tractor and slasher for the weekend. Just wonderful for the Club.
MNSW had a working bee permit organised in a couple of days so the whole thing came together at short notice.
Even the weather turning wet didn't stop the guy's from acheiving a lot over the weekend.
Thanks Noel for being there today as I could not make it both days.
The grass track had several hours of treatment by Pete with the power rake after it was slashed. It has taken all the braking and acceleration ruts out and corrected all the wheel trenches from the bogs of the last few wet meetings
The CRC this year is going to be HUGE
There will be another working bee at Bulahdelah in a couple of months. This one came up with short notice due to the machinery being available.