Good hijack, Wombat, and hats off to you for getting off your arse and caring enough. I have shot off a lengthy email to Ross Martin at the supplied address, along the lines of the fact that a 96db limit is being proposed without any visible testing, that most pre-75 bikes were manufactured unsilenced but nowadays are, and that a program of testing, consultation and information, working hand-in-glove with the competitor faction that's involved here, would be eminently preferable to the sudden, untested imposition of a lower limit without any feedback or indeed necessity. Without going into too much detail, I reminded him that MA is a democracy, not an insular autocracy, and that they will get better results if they work with the race classes involved in decisions of this nature.
But PLEASE people, whatever line of discussion you choose, PLEASE take a few minutes to knock out a submission to Ross indicating that you are disturbed with the proposal, and that you would like more time/testing/information/justification on this very important subject. And do it THIS WEEK !!