Betor forks are as good as CZ and Ceriani forks which puts them almost at the top of the pecking order, not that far behind the excellent Maico forks. Ceriani and Betors are almost identical (CZ forks are also very similar), depending on what they came off. You can swap components around between the various Betor types and models. I've found that Mexican Betors as fitted to Coopers are in fact direct copies of Cerianis. I'm using Mexican Betors on my new project with S&W aftermarket fork springs and OSSA Phantom dampeners. I previously used longer Bultaco legs in these forks when they were on my DT1 but I'm going back to the 1" shorter Cooper legs for this project. That gives you an idea of how 'tunable' they can be. In a nutshell, they're great forks.