Author Topic: intro  (Read 739 times)

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« on: June 29, 2011, 12:28:03 pm »
Hello I'm just introducing myself. My names John but I get Gomo from people. I've been riding since around '68. First dirt bike was a brand new Yamaha AT1 which was evil. Bought my '72 Maico from Per Klitland when he was working for Blair Harley's home garage in Forrestville in 1974. Rode enduros on the north coast in the early 80's on a KDX175, did some kart racing late 80's and early 90's then road racing, with playracing in the dirt on off for the last 20 years. Also did a bit of trials and dirt track in the 90's. I've got the urge to get into dirt bikes again before I get too old.
The '72 Maico needs a full resto but the '74 and the KDX should (I hope) be going this year. Hopefully I'll find people on this forum who can help with parts and advice on restoring the Montessa and Bultaco.