Author Topic: CZ 250 Timing with CDI ignition  (Read 1507 times)

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CZ 250 Timing with CDI ignition
« on: June 01, 2011, 07:57:11 pm »
HI all well Ive had enough with the old points system and gone and brought a new CDI conversion kit, and after i installed it and second kick and bang bang did a few adjustments and now it will idle but when i increase the throttle it has no power and it wants to stall, I gather it is to do with fuel so I will adjust that next, unless anyone has some better advice?

What I need is some help with the fine timing, do I do it the same as a car with a timing light? what do I need to look for and listen for when doing fine timing setups on these bikes, any help would be great.

Man it idles so nice it ;D ;D been a long time since she fired to life 18 years, it sound tough ;D ;D


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Re: CZ 250 Timing with CDI ignition
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2011, 07:24:09 pm »
What size is the motor? You use a dial gauge to find top dead centre. Then put a mark on the flywheel and one on the engine case , lining them up. Then turn the motor back 2.8 mm (for a 250) and mark the flywheel so it lines up with the mark on the engine case. So it should fire at 2.8mm BTDC. Then use the timing light to see if the firing mark lines up with the timing mark on the engine case. Move the stator plate until they line up.


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Re: CZ 250 Timing with CDI ignition
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2011, 07:47:21 pm »
Thanks for that, yer just as i thought, i did mark it all out, lined up the marks with the timing light and she runs like a dream!!! now I just have to check all nuts bolts and take for a ride yer yer can't wait ;D ;D


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Re: CZ 250 Timing with CDI ignition
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2011, 11:37:15 am »
ok she runs like a dream(my CZ 250) but when you go to take off you realy have to bring the revs up to get rolling or it will stall, once you get moving its realy good, i havent got it out of first gear yet as my back yard is not that big, any ideas do you think its the needle setting? plug looks great.

Also got a good one my forks have been refreshed and now when i brake hard the front fender bottoms out would this be an air leak?