I'm playing mix and match (well I thought I was
I've got one running MX250 donk and a not-yet-running donk. To trial the not-yet-running donk's gearbox I thought I would swap the top end to give the not-yet-running donk a try out.
Apparently the running donk has a YZ D or E piston (judging by the cut out at the back). But it's opening for the gudgeon is 36mm with a 22mm little end.
The other motor is 22mm little end with a 23mm opening in the piston for the gudgeon. This is what I would expect.
But the runner seem to run okay with the 36mm opening and 22mm little end. I would have thought the little end bearing would move across the gudgeon pin causing all sorts of strive.
Whatcha reckon Brains Trust - run it
(The camera battery is flat - I'll take pixies if its too confusing an explanation.)