Author Topic: the flat biscuit  (Read 2120 times)

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Offline vandy010

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the flat biscuit
« on: August 06, 2007, 06:39:16 am »
as a kid and having lost an older sibbling to a pushbike accident, anything with 2 wheels were banned fullstop.
an uncle came to the rescue when he offloaded his honda 90 stepthrough to my 2 older brothers and i used sit up front and work the throttle.
then things progressed via the stepfathers mighty AG100 or as it was affectionately known, the big 100.
a yz80d was my first bike at 13, bought with my own money from farm work.
but the real motivation came from listening to my big brother and his mates.
see, when they were going fast, it was always "flat bickie".
but when they were goin reeeal fast, then that was known as the flat biscuit {always spelt with respect}.
i longed to go "flat bickie" but every time i'd try to include myself in thier conversations, they'd look at me and say, "what the hell would you know about "flat bickie".
so a few more bikes and some not too nice overtaking moves later and some birthdays that kind of dissapeared like a cold tooheys on a hot day and damn those buggers! i'm damn well gonna go "flat bickie" if i damn well feel like it!
cause lets face it, once your over 40, things change right?
with a family of young kids, the mx thing kind of ground to a halt but like a few others posts i've read, divorce can have an upside, so i purchased a basket case Mx125a from some guru on the gold coast and she's now up and running with more old yamaha's comming soon.
as i write this, i've just finished riding the 07 conondale classic and for a moment, in the pits i stood still and just looked around to soak it all in, and must say, ti's a mighty fine thing to be involved in this "brotherhood of man".
so lets all go and have some fun folks!
flat biscuits for everyone!
"flat bickie"