Author Topic: Water everywhere (non VMX)  (Read 505 times)

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Offline Graeme M

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Water everywhere (non VMX)
« on: March 24, 2011, 10:45:08 pm »
My wife organised a treat for us - a few days staying in a cottage in the hills near the coast. Headed off Monday AM, but not before a call from the place telling us it was pissing down and did we still want to go. Given we were aiming just to laze around I said a bit of rain wouldn't worry us. So off we went. Bega bound...

Well, the rain got heavier the closer we got. We headed down Brown Mountain, slithering through streaming runoff and mud. We thought it was a bit suss when we had to skirt a big boulder in the middle of the road, and it got more encouraging when we reached the spot where the road was blocked by half the hillside. But we got round that and headed on. Into the property and unpacked and sitting on the verandah as the rain drummed on the tin roof. Soon we couldn't see further than the end of the yard.

Yep, this WAS heavier than I'd expected.

Spent the night listening to the rain just hammering down and when morning came I remarked to my wife that I'd better turn on the TV cos I reckoned we'd had enough rain to see some flash flooding. Famous last words.

We ended up trapped on the property by flooded roads and landslides, while Bega was facing major flooding. Power was gone and we had limited food. We sure got that lazy day we'd been after.

Long story short, Bega absolutely copped it and we were right there in the middle of it. But you know what? We had a damn good time all the same, and I'm glad we went. Hope all you South Coasters made it through with no damage or loss.