Author Topic: 2011 husky TE310 vs 2011 husky WR250 snippet  (Read 782 times)

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2011 husky TE310 vs 2011 husky WR250 snippet
« on: March 03, 2011, 11:06:42 pm »
Its not VMX but i just d/loaded the Feb UK Dirt Bike Rider and having a little read of the last few paragraphs of this test.
Courtesy of UK Dirt bike rider magazine  ;)

Sutty was the official timekeeper and the 310 was up first.
I felt good on the bike and the track felt good as the conditions were a great test and challenge to
bike and rider to make consistent laps for a true judgement on each.
I cut a couple of the extra tight sections of track out to get a good flow on
for consistency so it was off on the thumper for a hot lap.

Every inch of the lap was taken in the bike’s stride and even with the rain lashing down
the grip was fairly easy to find. Surely the two-stroke was going to struggle to win…
The rock section was not taken too aggressively on the 310 but a couple of dabs
got us through and on our way.
The bombholes were not a problem and the stream crossings were comfortable.
In all, the lap on the 310 went smoothly and fairly easily.

Okay. Two-stroke time! I knew the lap on the two-stroke was going to have to be a smoothie
as the conditions were getting pretty bad in the open parts of the track. I had to try to replicate
the four-stroke lap but also change my style and body position slightly to find grip on the light and
lively machine.
To say the two-stroke covers the ground well is an understatement but with many of the
technical sections of track being tight and start/stop into rocks and roots I was worried
about the two-stoke tendency to spin up and lose traction compared to the four-stroke.
There was no need to worry – the Husky gently grunted up even the most slippery short climbs
and tracked like a tank.
I was very surprised to feel this and it was a great test of the bike with
such a close back-to-back comparison with the 310.

Every difference could be felt and although the bikes are completely different they both felt
great on the laps and Sutty was keeping the times close to his chest while quizzing me as to
how it went with each circuit.
As both laps went well without any major moments I thought the lap on the 310 felt faster
as I seemed to be able to push harder on it.

Sutty’s smile grew as he gave me the result – a 6.08 lap on the 310 four-stroke and six minutes
flat on the two-stroker!
Now that was a test.
I was genuinely surprised but the clock doesn’t lie.
I felt faster on the four-stroke but the design and power delivery on the two-stroke while
being ridden smoothly took the fastest time of the day.

Great stuff and thanks to Dave the
Plum and Stuart the Legend at Husky for
making the effort to make the test happen.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 11:08:34 pm by monaro308 »