I was just reading the latest pommy rag CDB,on the cover and an article inside is a twin port Cee Zee with a set of our own GMC's spannies on show
,Also there is a story on a Curtis framed Yam 500 owned by Rod Spry,in the article there is some hints & tips from the twin shock master,as they call him,one tip in particular had me wondering though.Qoute. Tip#4. Always have a plan. Work out a rough budget for your project before you start. I usually reckon a decent standard of restoration on a 2 stroke will cost around 450 Pounds(parts & paint only) and a four stroke will be about twice that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Unqoute. I have worked out that is about $720 AU for the 2 banger & $1440 for the 4T. Yeah right! I wish I could build a bike for that! 2 bloody tyres & tubes will run ya over 200 bucks without all the other stuff,suspension,engine,etc,etc.