Im having trouble logging into ebay for some reason. Well i start off as being logged into AU ebay and i have clicked on one of my items i am selling in 'my summary' as i want to edit the listing. I click on the 'revise item' link at the top and it takes me to a log in page again. i assume this is just an extra precaution to get you to log in again. Anyway,i go to log in again and you can see the websited brain ticking over and it tries to log me in but nothing happens. It just re-loads to the log in page again. It doesnt say my password is wrong or anything. As a precaution i changed my password anyway but the same thing happens and that second log in page to access my item to revise it doesnt load/get past the part where i enter password. I assume this is a ebay prob? Can anyone else who has somethign listed see if they get the same problem when trying to log in and 'revise' their item for sale? Thanks