I’m looking for 2 old ADB magazines or just one article out of both of them. Scans or photo copies are fine, I don’t have to have the original pages.
First one
Issue 77 1985. I bought 2 of these issues but both are missing part of an article I want on the SA News 24 hr Trial. I’m missing pages 39,40,40,42. they are the center pages so I now assume there was a pull out poster or center spread of a bike advertisement and that’s why I am missing those pages in both copies I have. Maybe you have it pinned up in your shed?
Second one
September 1983 issue 53 or October 1983 issue 54. In one of these issues (pretty sure its Sept 53) there should be an article about ADB riding a KX 500 in the finke desert race or preparing a KX 500 for the finke desert race. I just want a copy of that article