G’day folks.
Well, I’ve gotten a new ride planned for September/October this year; chasing down a defence proposal for Australia during WW2 called The Brisbane line. The nuts of the story is that the Aussie government was planning to draw a line through Australia in the event that we were invaded by the Japanese Imperial Forces.
It was behind this line that, in the event of invasion, all available troops and civilians were going to retreat. Basically leaving all of Australia north of this line open to the invaders!
A ‘scorched earth’ policy was to be implemented which means anything left behind was to be destroyed so as not to leave anything useful.
And the new bike? I’ve got my hands on a 1978 Suzuki SP370 which I’m in the process of restoring. She needs a bit of work done, but most of the parts are there and she’s in relatively good condition.
Not an Adventure Tourer I hear you cry…. Well, we work with what we can hey!