The million dollar question!. I have spoken to Martin Belair about this. (Martin was a works trials rider and also worked
at the factory) He said that there was a warehouse adjacent to the factory which held works bikes, and all kinds of
works projects. He remembers seeing the aircompressor Cota's! When Honda came in, much of it got hauled to the scraper.
He also said that bikes and projects were "stolen" by Spanish workers and parts were actually removed from trucks on the way
to the smelter. When he returned to the warehouse it was completely empty! So it's hard to say how much is distributed around
Spain and Europe. No one seems to be talking..... Concerning the trials bikes. Martin said they would just take a new one off the
assembly line and add items that the rider had in his own stock. Items such as rear shocks, tyres, handlebars and other personal preference items.
The rest of the bike was stock. New Amal carbs were refitted often. (no surprise there!)