Many long time vintage racers will remember American racer Mike Middleton and his beautiful 750 BSA Metisse winning pre 65 at the 92 Ravenswood Nats. Mike toured with Marsh Runyon and the duo had a ball, making many friends. Mike's been my contact in California for years and those who know him will attest to what a good bloke he is. He's an expert vet class flat tracker and equally proficient motocross racer but his racing has been spasmodic in recent years due to severe back pain. Eventually he went to a specialist who discovered that the many crashes Mike had endured over the years had rooted his back to the point that he was within a smidgy of being permantly crippled. One more crash and he would have been cactus. It scared the shit out of him. Anyway, he finally went into hospital a few days ago....I'll let him tell the rest.
Surgery went well. Fused 3-4 and 5-6, added some hardware with 6 screws, around spine. Came home today, 22 hours after surgery. I feel a little beat up about the neck and shoulders. Haven't taken 1 pain pill yet. These doctors are amazing. This guy is 35 years old, and started doing this procedure, 10 years ago.
Supposed to sit around the house for 6 weeks, taking walks for exercise. No driving for these 6 weeks, have to be driven to doctor appointment.....regards, Mike I realise this means not a lot to anyone except those who know him but seeing that Noel, Bryan Fleming, Wattsy and neck braces have been in the forum a bit lately, I thought I'd pass on a story with a happy ending. Mike has a new J&M framed CR450F that's been sitting without firing a note in anger for a year or two as well as his vintage tackle and his dream was to race again. Let's hope he can now get the opportunity.