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Messages - mboddy

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30]
After much investigation, I think I will get a YZ250 K or L model for Pre 85.

Foto Forum / Re: printing/developing microfiche cards
« on: January 13, 2008, 07:48:56 am »
ive been told by a few people you can take it to a photo shop and they can get it on CD no problems
How did this turn out?
What resolution did they scan at?

I have used a film scanner at 4000dpi and they turned out very well but I had to cut the fiche to get it into the slide holder.

More importantly whats the story with pussy ? He's come flying out to drag you back into the jungle ?
That's Lorris Cattarossi. He always gets playful when I get the bike out.

Hey MBoddy, are you the Mark I used to know in the Canberra RR Club who owned a TDR250 and a few old roadracers? I think we went to a few ride days at Wakefield, I had an RGV250 Lucky Strike, back around '92.
That's me. It was probably 93. And the bike in the pic is the TDR.
I remember you. Did you ever end up racing the RM400?
Hopefully I'll see you at the next practice or the race meeting on 3rd February.
Here are a couple more shots of the TDR:

Took my Pre 90 bike to the Canberra Dirt Track practice day last weekend.
It was a bit heavy but I had fun!

Photo thanks to Gina Stephan

Vintage Track / Race results - which bikes win Pre 85 250cc Dirt Track?
« on: December 31, 2007, 07:25:46 pm »
Are the race results for the big Dirt Track meetings available online somewhere?
I would like to see which bikes are winning Pre 85 Dirt Track so that I can choose which bike to buy.

im not goin to get into any heated battles or arguments about this bike.
All I need to know is whether I could win the Pre 85 Aus Dirt Track Title on it  ;)

I am a fit 47, live in Canberra and race Historic Road Racing with PCRA in Forgotten Era (Pre 81) and New Era 1 (Pre 90).
I used to race Dirt Track, MX and Enduro when I was a teenager.
I am looking to get a Yamaha 250 dirt bike to race at Canberra and other meetings.
I see that there are quite a few classes, but which ones are well subscribed?
Should I get an EVO or a Pre 85 bike?
My preference would be for Dirt Track, then Vinduro, then MX.
Should I get a IT250K or a YZ250H? Or both? Or what?

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