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Messages - mboddy

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Vinduro / Re: Vintage Class A4DE
« on: October 13, 2017, 07:10:10 am »
I wonder what bikes people will ride and if it will be mostly newest allowable mid 80's stuff? Hopefully some 70's bikes get ridden.

I have entered on my 1979 Yamaha IT175F.

Yamaha / Re: What model IT175 do I have?
« on: September 02, 2017, 07:52:54 am »
F model has two bolts holding the silencer on.

Vinduro / Re: Photos from 2017 Harrow 100 Vinduro
« on: August 13, 2017, 01:57:52 pm »

The two riders on the left look to be the guys on DT175 and DT250 that I saw getting around together. They looked to be having a blast.

I took that photo and from memory I think you are correct. My brother David is the other rider.

Vinduro / Re: Pre 88 for VERi
« on: August 03, 2017, 05:58:21 pm »
Maybe we need a new thread to discuss vinduro eligibility for other clubs/states?

Maybe we should all give it a rest for 3 years.

Vinduro / Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« on: August 02, 2017, 07:25:47 am »
Yamaha TTR230 was available from 2005.
It may be ok for VTR events in NSW but you should contact them first to check.
Not ok for VERi events in Victoria.

Vinduro / Scandal - Vinduro Penrite Team produce fake Harrow poster
« on: July 12, 2017, 02:21:06 pm »
Breaking news: Fake Harrow poster has been put up on Facebook by Vinduro Penrite Team.
The bootleg poster can be identified by the 'Penrite Celebrating 90 Years' logo in the top right hand corner.
VERi have not requested Vinduro Penrite Team to take down the poster but have an official poster ready to post soon.
Speculation is high about the future value of the fake poster. Particularly the early one with the typo (shock!).     

Vinduro / Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« on: July 05, 2017, 09:49:51 am »
... but I'm not racing, so who cares?
The popularity of VTR events is bringing so many people into Vinduro that it is quite likely that there will be he numbers to support some competitive events.
It would be good if you only needed the one bike to do both VTR and competitive events.
With the success of Australia's ISDE Teams over the years it is likely that Australia will host the ISDE in the future.
They currently run FIM Classic classes up to Classic 1982 and EVO class up to 1987.
Anyone wishing to enter the ISDE would be advised to set their bikes up to the FIM specifications.
Both my Yamaha IT125G and IT175F are setup to conform with FIM Classic 1982 specifications.
I will be building my IT200 to FIM EVO Class 1987 specifications.

FIM considers that Pre-88 is the best cutoff date for Vinduro. Do we want Vinduro or just old bikes?

Vinduro / Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« on: July 04, 2017, 10:09:28 am »
... keep it simple ...

Both the VTR and FIM rules are designed to keep it simple for the Event Organisers and minimise hassle.
That is why they don't just pick an arbitrary date and then have all the issues and arguments that have been seen in the past.
VTR rules are the simplest. FIM is pre-88 with technology exclusions.
Both allow 1987 bikes like the TT350.

Vinduro / Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« on: July 03, 2017, 11:33:32 pm »
Two other options that could be considered:
1. Adopt the same format as VTR in NSW.
2. Adopt the FIM rules   

Vinduro / Re: VTR Eugowra Vinduro
« on: June 20, 2017, 10:54:28 am »
Event report and more pics at

Great event. Thanks VERi. More pics and an event report at   

Wanted / Re: YZ125G clutch basket wanted
« on: June 11, 2017, 09:08:47 am »
DT may be a winner Mick.

No. 1W1 is not the same as 3R3. You misunderstood Partzilla. Read my previous post again.

Tech Talk / Re: Buying a hydraulic garage press, how many ton?
« on: June 11, 2017, 09:00:20 am »
We do our own cranks with my 20 ton press. But it struggled with the IT490 crank.

Wanted / Re: YZ125G clutch basket wanted
« on: June 09, 2017, 08:24:54 pm »
The 1W1 clutch basket with primary is not the same as the 3R3-16150-00 used on the YZ125G.
According to my parts lists the 1W1 has 71 teeth and the 3R3 has 62 teeth. 

« on: May 23, 2017, 10:27:20 am »
I have an IT125G shock with YZ125X spring. It will bolt in and give you a bit more travel.
I can bring it to Bonnie Doon. Yours free if you want to try it.

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