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Topics - ozktm

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KTM / Big thank you to Bill Campbell! - ktm #101 TBC Mechanic
« on: January 20, 2014, 06:41:54 pm »
A big thanks goes out to Bill for coming up as mechanic for the Troy Bayliss Classic on Saturday.
A mixed day starting out with a dnf in the first round due to me being to quick on the gas out of the hairpin, to come back with 2 x 1st places and a 4th!
Very  happy with the day (except for the heat).

Thanks again Bill !! ;)

Wanted / 73/74 CR250M Chain Guide wanted
« on: January 20, 2014, 03:16:01 pm »

Just chasing the chain guide/roller setup of a 73/74 cr250m to complete a project.
email me on [email protected]


Stolen! / Warning - More bikes stolen - Wollongong
« on: July 16, 2013, 03:27:10 pm »

Anyone living down here in the Wollongong / Illawarra areas  - Be very careful !!!

My mate just had his RMZ450 and CR500 and all riding gear/wheels/parts etc ripped off last night.

He obviously had been scoped out.

The back of the shed that adjoined a reserve was taken apart, wheel marks etc indicate they were loaded onto a ute.

Now, after my recent incident - he had them Chained/locked. The RMZ even had its rear wheel off!! Looks like they came prepared.

There is a racket going on down here big time. So whatever security you have may need looking at. He did go riding the weekend before which means his bikes would have been seen on his trailer. This is similar to myself, who took the kids riding the weekend before mine were taken.

You have been warned. Just locking them up in your shed is not enough.

Honda / CR250M
« on: July 16, 2013, 03:19:28 pm »
Hey guys,

Like a fish out of water here.
I am finally going to finish off a bike that the late Bruce McF started. He was working on it as a pre 75 ride for himself, but sadly never got to finish it.

Anyway, the rolling chassis is mostly there. I will be installing my own race motor out of my cr250m that i used to race in pre 75.

I am after a parts manual for the chassis that has part numbers etc, as the bike is missing some bolts/nuts, the swingarm bolt doesn't seem long enough etc etc.
Also, who or where is a good source for these chassis parts? Anyone locally?
Being that Bruce used mostly original bolts etc that he had, i will try and go down that path first.
So far it is a nice looking bike, he had done a great job.

Any help (pdf - manuals / parts manuals, parts sources) is most appreciated.

Cheers, Adrian

KTM / 76 KTM MC5 400 - Build
« on: April 18, 2013, 10:30:36 am »
Just started the 76 MC5 400 build. Some pics:

For Sale / 76 Husky 360CR
« on: March 03, 2013, 03:32:11 pm »

If interested contact me through ozvmx site.

Runs and rides nice, ready to go racer/vinduro.


Wanted / KTM 85sx - late model
« on: November 22, 2012, 05:47:49 am »
Hi there,

I am chasing a late model KTM 85sx  (say 09 up) for my son. Looking for something that is NSW at least and in good order, and well maintained.
Just inbox me if you have something or know of something.

KTM / 1984 KTM 125 - For Sale maybe
« on: November 21, 2012, 10:55:43 am »
Looking at selling my 1984 KTM 125, Good running bike, not really wanting too move it on but time to make room in the shed.
I am not currently getting any use out of it.

Any expressions of interest in it here in KTM land?

Shock was rebuilt/rechromed, 40mm Marzocchi Twin leading shoe front end, will come with a set of spare cases/gbox/ other parts.

Will get some pics soon, Currently in storage.


Bike Transport / Coffs harbour to Sydney (Wollongong)
« on: November 21, 2012, 09:16:30 am »
Any chance anyone is heading down the highway and able to pick up a bike from coffs?
Bike is in a rolling form, with the motor in a box in pieces?

If not ,can anyone recommend a company that would deal with this type of transport.


For Sale / EI Blue Magnum - Needles
« on: September 30, 2012, 09:45:41 am »

I have 2 needles, plus another jet(don't know if this suits the Ei, but check picture), $20 and their yours.

Needles are Ei6 and Ei8 :

For Sale / 87 KTM 250 - Job lot
« on: September 29, 2012, 09:45:12 pm »
Here it is :

A new rod kit already fitted to crank / new piston, 4 top ends to chose from, excellent pipe and wheels.
enough stuff to build one excellent bike and have a heap spares left over.
New gasket kits (when i find them in my shed, new clutch fibres, 3 sets of forks including 86 MX and 88 MX forks.

Was a Pre 90 aspiration, but I have enough projects to work on and is waste just sitting in my shed.
Ride something other than a CR/YZ/KX...

Contact me if interested.

KTM / 87 KTM 250 - Job lot
« on: September 29, 2012, 09:44:42 pm »
Here it is :

A new rod kit already fitted to crank / new piston, 4 top ends to chose from, excellent pipe and wheels.
enough stuff to build one excellent bike and have a heap spares left over.
New gasket kits (when i find them in my shed, new clutch fibres, 3 sets of forks including 86 MX and 88 MX forks.

Was a Pre 90 aspiration, but I have enough projects to work on and is waste just sitting in my shed.
Ride something other than a CR/YZ/KX...

Contact me if interested.

KTM / 74.5 KTM/Penton 250 Rebuild
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:48:40 am »
Well it nearly done some pics of the progress :

See ya at classic Dirt....

KTM / 1981 495 Airbox Parts wanted
« on: August 21, 2011, 11:38:00 am »

I am chasing some parts as shown in the pic below.
i have an airbox but not the adapter piece and filter holder.
Can anyone help?

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