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Messages - Husabergpete

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Kawasaki / Re: KLX's - a shared disease
« on: March 02, 2018, 06:11:24 am »
Thanks 80-85,

I have most of this printed out from before. It mentions cutting down the spiral gear on the end of the standard KLX cam that drove the tacho so I expect that has to be done with the head off.

As for the staring issues previous - had the carb ultrasonically cleaned, now starts 1st or 2nd kick cold and hot. Also put a new inlet manifold on as the original was starting the crack.

Thanks for the help.


Kawasaki / Re: KLX's - a shared disease
« on: March 01, 2018, 05:31:12 pm »
KLX guru's,

I have invested in a low hours KLX that has been used on the road only.

I'd like to make the modification to the Tacho Drive by adding the pin, sorry for my lack of knowledge but do I need to remove the head etc to add the pin or can it be done via the plug screw/bolt on the top of the head.

Kind regards


Kawasaki / Re: KLX's - a shared disease
« on: July 24, 2017, 06:52:28 pm »
Guys thanks very much for the info. I was worried it might be something worse.

For future reference for someone having a similar problem .I bought it off a neighbour who rebuilt the top end about 18mths ago and hasn't started it much since.

Got new rings, valves etc to spec. by him.

I put new plug, cleaned and re oiled the new filter, put new oil and filter in, new 98 fuel and Pea Beau-ed the wasps before I kicked the crap out of it ;D and used half a can of startyabastard.

Keen to check the stuff you suggested and sort it. Thanks again.


Kawasaki / Re: KLX's - a shared disease
« on: July 20, 2017, 09:43:55 pm »
Hoping someone can point me towards a solution to my cold starting problem with my KLX 250.

The bike is completely standard. 

I have to kick it for 10 minutes to gradually get it to fire and run, progressively more and longer till it runs and idles.

I found some Start Ya Bastard down the plug hole helps but it is still a bastard.

Once its warm/hot, it starts virtually first time every time.



Wanted / Re: KLX 250 1980 kickstart boss
« on: June 18, 2017, 05:52:45 am »
Thanks Geoff.

If I can't find the oem unit (non chrome) I run with one of these.



Wanted / KLX 250 1980 kickstart boss
« on: June 16, 2017, 08:15:19 am »
Guys checking if anyone has a splined boss for the kickstarter on the KLX, Kdx and kx apparently fit.

Trying to use Oem bits if possible

My boss is stripped bare. The shaft spline is all good.



Wanted / YZ 125 1980s to 1990's
« on: June 16, 2017, 08:11:45 am »
A friend of mine would like to get a YZ 125 mid 1980's onwards for one of his kids.

He lives in the Wollongong area.

Can give me a call if you have any options.

Pete.  0428 384800


Kawasaki / Re: KLX's - a shared disease
« on: May 24, 2017, 05:32:14 am »
Thanks Matt.

Kawasaki / Re: KLX's - a shared disease
« on: May 23, 2017, 07:43:00 am »

Have an option to buy a tidy running very standard KLX 250 about 1981. What should be done to a bike like this to keep it reliable for vintage trail/vinduro work?

I had one in the day and it seized the cam for some reason. Is this still likely to happen? Or is there a good fix


Introductions / Re: Hi from the gong folks
« on: May 18, 2017, 08:42:48 pm »
Welcome to the VMX forum. Hope your shop does well. Where is it?

Pete at corrimal

For Sale / Re: ktm 500gs 82 model
« on: May 13, 2017, 07:42:15 am »
Hi Ya Jeff, can you send me your mobile in a pm to speak about your KTM

Ta pete

Wanted / Yamaha DT 250 1977 seat and some other bits
« on: July 10, 2016, 08:32:07 pm »

 I could use a better seat foam for a 1977/ 78 DT 250 , I think the 400 is the same.  I have a new cover and the base is ok but anything would help.

Air filter cage now on the list.

Any help will be appreciated



Wanted / Re: Suzuki Alloy Swingarm RM 250 C2 1978 etc
« on: June 14, 2016, 06:11:32 pm »

Thank you for the info. Might get the name of the guy or place who has the C2 just in case. At the moment an Aussie guy has told me he has 2 400 C2 swingarms. He is about 1000ks away.

We are not sure if the 400 one is the same as the 250 swingarm. Maybe someone will know or we should check the part numbers.

These old Suzuki airboxes are a bit of a headache. Did a 125 A, 370 A and 125 C and they all needed them to get away from the Pods that people used to thing were the go.

Once again thanks


Wanted / Suzuki Alloy Swingarm RM 250 C2 1978 etc
« on: June 14, 2016, 07:55:23 am »
Guys a young fulla here in Wollongong is trying to get his C2 RM 250 1978 together to start racing.

Bike has an N or T swingarm on it but would like to put it back to Standard.

He is also looking for the airbox.

PM or call me on 0428 384800

Ta Pete

Wanted / Farm bike to double kids around on
« on: June 02, 2016, 06:52:42 am »

An old work mate of mine from near Sydney has asked if I can get hold of a bike suitable for him to double his kids around on a property.

We are thinking of a DT,  TS, XT 250, XL or something similar to that. Low seat jobbie. Nothing flash really.

The bike will be left at a place in the Goulburn area in NSW.

I can be contacted on 0428 384800

All the best

Pete in Wollongong

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