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Topics - skypig

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General Discussion / Toll Warning $$$
« on: April 12, 2018, 10:07:10 pm »
Heads up.

I, like many, have a “toll pass”. It auto renews on my credit card.
I, like many, am a bit slack on checking what they are charging me for.

Recently, I checked my “trip history”. Interestingly my privately registered Transit van had been charged as a “Car”, a “Light Commercial”, and most disturbingly “Heavy Commercial” ($23.97 for one toll). All in one trip!

Looks like I’ll be in for some refunds (after I prove it is registered privately).

Incompetent at best, deliberate fraud most likely.

Worth checking

Tech Talk / Engineering idea (help me out)
« on: July 17, 2017, 12:54:05 pm »
I'm building a roof rack on my Transit Van. (VMX hauler)

The problem is the "pads"on the roof where the rack bolts  are slightly angled.
The uprights I've made are 65x65mm. To get them vertical I need something tapered under them.
Alloy plate 65x65 tapering from 1mm on one edge, to 5mm on the other edge would be perfect, but short of getting them machined as custom parts I can't source anything like that.

Whatever solution I use has to be able to take a little weight.

I need 10 for the 5 crossbars.

Any ideas gurus?

Competition / Classic Dirt 13 - June 9/10/11 2017
« on: May 13, 2017, 07:49:21 pm »
I've got my leave approved, and entered on line.
(Not so bad. Need all the usual stuff. Inc Doctors details, etc, etc, etc.)

Always a great weekend.
Husqvarna test rides this year apparently.

eBay Finds / NOS '73 Elsinore tank
« on: May 12, 2017, 11:42:34 pm »

Suzuki / DG swingarm RM125 A/B for sale in US (link)
« on: May 09, 2017, 07:55:27 pm »
Could interest someone.
No price.
As mentioned- very rare,22/DG-swingarm-Suzuki-rm125-A-B-1976-77,1319242

Nothing to do with me.

General Discussion / John Surtees RIP
« on: March 11, 2017, 01:43:11 pm »
Just read the sad news.
The only man to win 500GP and F1 world championships. A feat unlikely to be repeated.

For Sale / Yamaha IT175H
« on: December 09, 2016, 06:36:30 pm »
Listing for a friend.
I actually bought this bike as a deceased estate.
It was well used, but pretty complete and original.
I had the common delusions of motivation.
The only time I touched it for a few years was to roll it out of the way.

My friend offered to buy it, if it would start. Who knows how long since it had run, not in the 2? Years I'd had it. A cup of premix and about 3 kicks and away it went!

He has fitted new tires, a new air filter (I think) changed the oil (I think) and ridden up and down the street a few times. (Outstanding motivation when contrasted with my ownership period.)

Now for sale again. I think it would be a good buy for the right person.

General Discussion / Things have changed
« on: November 13, 2016, 10:19:00 am »
In my hey day this shot would have been the most incredible "crash and burn" picture ever!
(Remember "crash and burn": the last page of MX Action each month)
Now it's a successful trick!

General Discussion / Works bike stories
« on: February 11, 2016, 03:23:20 pm »
This looks like it might interest some of you guys.

Sorry if it's old news.

Foto Forum / Back in the day
« on: December 21, 2015, 08:35:41 pm »
Skypig in 1977


Lake Maquarie Mini Bike and Cycle Training Association

Yeah, I've been cleaning up my mezzanine.
(I developed and printed these pics, as well as staring in them  8) )

General Discussion / Sunshine Coast Toy Run
« on: December 06, 2015, 01:32:42 pm »
Always a laugh, and excuse to take my "Vinduro" on an urban cruise. 50km this year.
(So slow, even Harleys pass me in the 100 zones!)

Presents donated to the Salvos.

Anyone know what a safe cylinder head temp is on a CT110 engine?
I never should have fitted a cylinder head temp gauge. (Or digital tach, shift lights etc either, probably....)

Tech Talk / VW valve fail
« on: November 29, 2015, 11:18:02 am »
Dear esteemed mechanically experienced ones.

A very non mechanically minded friend of mine suffered this failure while driving on a family holiday.
It's a late model VW Multivan.

I've never seen such a thing. The only reason I can imagine is a metaralurgically faulty valve.
Eg impurity in the original metal. (But I'm no expert)

Obviously the piston has suffered damage. And probably the bore.


General Discussion / Rossi has gone insane.
« on: October 26, 2015, 10:07:22 am »
His Thursday press conference saying Mark Marquez is working with Lorenzo wasn't even backed up by the events (let alone results). Marky Mark rode like a magician to take 5 points from Gerorge on the last lap of the Australian GP (the event being discussed.)

Then in the race yesterday, after some of the best/hardest/clean racing you'll ever see; Rossi "brake checks", runs compleatly off line to force MM of the track, and depending on your point of view, kicks at his rival.

Anybody else would have been DQ'd immediately.

Rossi and the FIM have both lost a lot of respect from me.

Tech Talk / 2 stroke tuning. Dyno? Sunshine Coast QLD
« on: October 22, 2015, 11:26:08 am »
My RM125X project.

The original carb, a special Mikuni, made for Suzuki as far as I can make out. (Possibly only minor differences, like front mounted vent to clear the case... Possibly.) was discarded by the PO.

A generic brand new Mikuni has been fitted.
I've shortened it slightly, I think mimicking the original.
Jetted it as close to stock as possible. Inc NOS needle (another Suzuki special)
It runs pretty good WFO and plug chops look ok. (50/50 Avgas PULP)

Trying to get the midrange, (ANY midrange!!)  a bit better I've tried the clip position from top to bottom. Not much difference. A bit "fluffier" full rich. (I think I'm an insensitive test rider)

I'd like to put it on a dyno, preferably with a "sniffer" up the pipe. (Can this work with smokers?)
I heard there was a specialist near Woodford QLD (Sunshine Coast Hinterland) but can't track him down.
Anyone know of anyone?
Any other tips? (Apart from buying a 250/465 which I might be able to ride... 18yo Simon didn't need no stinking midrange!.... :) )

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