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Topics - EML

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VMX Sidecars / RIP Pinny
« on: January 02, 2016, 04:33:57 pm »
Sad news yesterday from the speedway/dirt track/long track sidecars guys was of the passing of Paul Pinfold.
I could not scratch the surface of Pinny's achievements on 3 wheels but it's enough to say that they were vast indeed.
Only a couple of weeks ago Paul was in Europe where he finished 2nd in a major long track event.
He had more scars and injuries than most of us have hot dinners and he received a bump on his leg while there and collected a blood clot on returning to Aust.
Paul was 65 and passed from a heart attack last Tuesday.....RIP great racer.

VMX Sidecars / 2016 Nationals
« on: November 24, 2015, 09:55:46 pm »
Both Classic and Post- Classic nationals are to be held at Harrisville, near Ipswich next year.
Also CD will be around the same time at Conondale so get on board and get some beds booked.

VMX Sidecars / Post Classic Nats, Ravenswood Vic
« on: January 27, 2015, 09:13:17 am »
Who is going to have a crack at this event and what might you be riding.
I see the Anthony's are selling their DT360 based modern/vintage model so that could be a good platform for an Aussie title. There is also a MX500 based outfit in the works so the heavy weights will have their work cut out.
I have only raced at Ravo once back in '77 or '78 and remember the Bendigo Longtrack meet on the Sat night more than my actual races with Vern the next day.

VMX Sidecars / Had a crack
« on: October 20, 2014, 09:27:53 am »
A couple of the Qld VMX sidecarcrossers had a crack at the Bulk Nutrients Elite Sidecar title held at Horsham over the weekend as they were on their way to the Murray Williams cup at Murry Bridge next weekend.
No.270 Matt Maloney and No.277 Dave Mattock took their rumbling XS650 based EMLs to the first National sidecar title to be held in 20yrs and took on the moderns in a hit out before next weeks cup.
Neither of them had their regular passengers and that probably told in their results with both finishing down the field a bit in 8th and 10th or there abouts and found the modern lightweights not only far more nimble but surprisingly quick out of the gate. The track was set for the moderns as well with a wicked rhythm section that is always hard on the oldies.
The top three from this event are now eligible to go to Europe and represent Australia if they so desire and will receive the Duke of Edinburgh award.
This years winners were the Anthony bros from Vic on their Zable powered outfit followed by SAs Brooks bros and the father and son team of Brett and Hamish Dobie 3rd. Just back from Europe, the team of John Robinson and Brian Anthony had elec problems and DNF race 1, however they recovered and finished 4th overall.

VMX Sidecars / Conondale Classic
« on: August 12, 2014, 09:05:44 am »
The annual Conondale Classic has been run & won for another year and although the Sth Aussies were tird up with their state champs they once again missed a fantastic event on a magnificent track. The track suited the big sidecars to a T with fast straights and sweeping turns, jumps up and down hill and then some technical twisty stuff over the back that tested the best passengers.
Winners are grinner's and once again David Mattock, this time paired with myself as passenger won the day in an exact repeat of his win last year when the EML GR650 of Jamie McMurdo and Wayne Hollaway suffered elec problems and dropped a round.
Second again this year was the much improved Adam Laman with new passenger Chris Brown on their Wasp KX500 even after losing the kickstarter and forever being in fear of stalling and third overall was given to the CR500 VMC of Geoff Udy who was making a comeback after several years running quads.
Some new teams faced the starter including my son Mason on with Ammie Brown in their 1st ever event on firstly my Wasp GR650 and then later on Ronnie Ashes Wasp XS650 after mine went off song.
Just 7 outfits made it which was a bit of a disappointment when we now have 15 outfits up here that could have been there and we do have some sidecars sitting waiting for new teams. Hopefully this will be addressed when we go to Dalby later in the month to race the Ron Ash Trophy event as an appreciation of Ronnies great involvement in the sport. He currently owns 4 sidecars that he loans to teams just so he can have them  out on the circuit.
Give us a call if you want more info or would like to come and try.

Husqvarna / what years autos
« on: June 16, 2014, 07:44:08 pm »
Hey guys, what years were the autos made and in what sizes? What HP did they make?

Bike Talk / mini metise
« on: May 22, 2014, 08:05:30 pm »
Any thing on here along the lines of a mini or midi Metise?
I have a 185 Honda and am a bit keen to do something like that.

British (BSA, Greeves, Triumph etc) / CCM/B50 How Good are they
« on: May 12, 2014, 07:54:15 pm »
Keen to know what sort of power could be expected from a very good B50 or big CCM ?
Is 60 reliable hp out of the question? and what do they weigh??
I see from the original spec sheet that 38hp was factory back then but plenty has been done over the years and there seems to be plenty of "stuff"available.
How do they compare to a JAP of the same size?

General Discussion / calenders
« on: April 30, 2014, 02:05:11 pm »
Has there ever been....or will there ever be a calender of events put up on here?
Just seemed to me that lurkers might want to come on and find where they might spectate or ride VMX in their local area.
And riders could check out what is on, not only in their area but if they were travelling inter-state
Also, spectators were thin on the ground at Echo Valley, compared to the old days :o

VMX Sidecars / post classic national
« on: February 22, 2014, 10:16:36 am »
Regs are out for the post classic nationals (pre85) to be held at Echo Valley Toowoomba on Anzac weekend.
Get your entries in early so we don't get kicked out....again.

VMX Sidecars / Terry Salter
« on: October 31, 2013, 10:09:18 am »
Anyone on here re-call a Terry Salter, come over from UK in the early 70's and raced outfits there and here. I have a contact in UK looking for him.

General Discussion / Rider Lost
« on: September 26, 2013, 08:52:35 am »
Unfortunately we have lost another rider as it has been reported that a rider in this years Aust Safari has died of injuries sustained in a crash.
I was going to report how well the sidecar team was doing and how an ex rally champs brother was up to 4th O/R on a solo.....but bad news prevails.
RIP Ivan Ercig.

General Discussion / xx
« on: September 12, 2013, 01:54:35 pm »

Kawasaki / Biggest Bighorn
« on: September 05, 2013, 12:14:26 pm »
What is the biggest Bighorn anyone has seen.....can they be built into a 400 or bigger and what sort of HP do they/can they make?

Wanted / not vmx but still wanted
« on: July 16, 2013, 04:59:23 pm »
Now that I have changed my Wasp to Suzuki power.....and loving the extra go without the weight, I miss having a kick starter and need a starter clutch/bendix/drive for the GR650
Please check your piles of spares/junk/shelves etc... as they are NLA from Suzuki, only 2nd hand from US.
Apparently they still use them in Brazil in the police force but I don't speak or read Spanish and have found nothing on google about them.
Any help appreciated.

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