« on: March 19, 2020, 04:42:39 pm »
I have some pictures that I pinched from the MXTRAX.UK forum a while back , of a Heron Suzuki RM500 with a centreport exhaust cylinder , in an ‘84 RM250 frame . Apparently they made about 13 bikes like this in total . But I have ridden an RM500 Suzuki in the past and found it a bit more mellow than the Maico 490 , CR 480 , CR500 , KX500 , and Husky 500s that I am used to . That’s why I thought an air cooled CR or KX500 motor might be a better option than modifying an RM 500 to centre port exhaust .
I sort of drifted away from the OZVMX forum after the shutdown of Village Photos and then the cost of Photobucket , wiped out all my posted images . I know that there are now other options available to post images and I will have to find the time to work out how to do it .