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Messages - Husky500evo

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Wanted / ‘83/‘84 Husky WR swingarm
« on: March 20, 2025, 10:33:29 pm »
Looking for swingarm to suit an ‘84 Husky WR model . An ‘83 model swingarm would be ok as well , as there very little difference . Just seeing what’s out there .

Husqvarna / Re: Husqvarna Frame Identification
« on: December 26, 2022, 10:57:33 pm »
I sold a ‘72 250CR frame a while back . I can’t remember if it had an MJ or MK prefix for the stamped frame number , but it looked very similar to the frame at the start of this thread . The top shock mounts also look similar , if I remember correctly , but I will see if I can find some pictures of my old frame .

For Sale / Re: 1981 Maico 490 parts
« on: June 11, 2022, 08:42:56 am »
Email sent .

General Discussion / Re: Photo attaching
« on: February 17, 2021, 07:40:13 pm »
So , what is the go now with Photobucket ? I originally used “Village Photos” on this forum to post images , before it folded and deleted all of the images that I had posted . Then I used Photobucket , until they changed to where I had to pay a subscription to post images . I didn’t wan’t to pay , so all of the images that I had posted were deleted again . I sort of lost interest in this forum then and drifted away . Is Photobucket free again now and if I sign up again , will it restore the images in my old posts ? Or am I better off using this other host ,  IMQUE ?

General Discussion / Re: Can of worms
« on: October 29, 2020, 03:51:28 pm »
For once , I tend to agree with Wasp . I think that any plastic tank on an old bike is a pain in the arse and detracts from the bikes value . Plastic fuel tanks are all going to deteriorate and split over time . I think that they are an extreme safety hazard on a vintage bike used for racing and I am surprised that the governing bodies haven’t stepped in and banned the use of plastic fuel tanks over a certain age . Imagine if your plastic tank splits while you are riding your bike and it only takes one spark and you are up in flames . I have had a shiny new looking refurbished plastic tank , that I accidentally dropped and it just shattered like glass into lots of pieces .
Bikes in unmolested OEM condition tend to be more collectable than modified bikes , so I am thinking that competitive race bikes that came out with a metal fuel tank , will ultimately hold their value better than plastic tanked bikes .

Suzuki / Re: pe400 engine rebuild
« on: October 24, 2020, 09:28:17 pm »
I was having a search through the bike wreckers in Cairns last week and noticed a PE400 cylinder on the shelf , in the Suzuki section . I didn’t have a look at the bore , but if your cylinder has already been bored out to near it’s limits , it might be worth it to buy the other cylinder .

Wanted / Re: RM 500 rear wheel .
« on: October 22, 2020, 11:46:43 am »
I believe that they are slightly different, but I think that a 250 hub would do the job for me . An RM500 guru told that the 500 hub is a bit more beefed up where the spokes go through . The OEM RM500 wheel has a 2.5” wide rim , where I think that the 250 is around 2.15” wide . The bike I am planning to use it on , is an ‘85 RM250 frame fitted with an RM500 motor , so I will probably look at getting a 2.5” gold anodised rim laced up to the rear wheel .

Wanted / RM 500 rear wheel .
« on: October 08, 2020, 09:48:42 am »
RM 500 rear wheel and brake backing plate wanted . Even a hub would do .
Also chasing an RM 500 cylinder head .

Wanted / Re: 1976 nyamaha yz 250c wheels
« on: October 04, 2020, 01:00:08 pm »
I have a couple of Yamaha rear wheels that have the number 483 cast into the hubs on the brake drum side . One of them has a date stamp 8/80 on the rim and the other rim has no date stamp at all .
I thought that they were both TT500 wheels , but one of them may be from an IT425 . They have the distinctive 3 lightening holes in between the sprocket studs . The spokes are rusty on both wheels and the rims are scratched, but straight and don’t seem to have any cracks or flat spots . The wheel with no date stamp on the rim , has centrepunch marks around the brake side wheel bearing , so I would say that the bearing has been loose in the hub at some stage .
I would want $100 for the wheel without the centrepunch marks and $90 for the other one .

Wanted / RM 250 E/F rear wheel wanted .
« on: October 04, 2020, 09:04:12 am »
Suzuki RM 250 E/F , RM465 / 500 rear wheel and backing plate wanted . It is to fit an ‘85 RM250 F swingarm , but I don’t know if the 465/500 hubs are different .
Also , can somebody tell me if an RM 465 head has the same stud pattern as an RM 500 ?

Maico / Re: Maico kick start alternative
« on: August 09, 2020, 09:24:31 pm »
Some people use a KTM kickstarter , but I am unsure which model they are from . There is also a few different aftermarket , direct copies of the original ones . I just got a new one from the UK and although I haven't used it yet , it looks to be good quality .

Wanted / Re: Can Am Sonic cylinder
« on: August 02, 2020, 05:10:38 am »
G'day Dennis . My Can Am Sonic is still on standard bore , as the motor has never been apart , but it is getting a bit low on compression . I have a spare piston from an ATK 604 that I would like to use . I probably could just use another sleeve , just as long as I don't have to bore the cylinder muff out to fit it . I also have a spare cylinder head from another Sonic and so wouldn't mind having a complete spare top end .

Wanted / Can Am Sonic cylinder
« on: July 27, 2020, 10:41:11 pm »
Looking for a Rotax cylinder for a Can Am 500 Sonic , KTM 504 , ATK 560 , etc . Just seeing what’s out there .

Wanted / Re: Suzuki ‘84/‘85 RM250 frame
« on: March 24, 2020, 08:30:10 am »
I now have an RM frame . Just need to find a big bore motor that will suit  . No hurry though , as this project has to get on the end of the list , and it’s a very long list .

Wanted / Re: Suzuki ‘84/‘85 RM250 frame
« on: March 19, 2020, 04:42:39 pm »
I have some pictures that I pinched from the MXTRAX.UK forum a while back , of a Heron Suzuki RM500 with a centreport exhaust cylinder , in an ‘84 RM250 frame . Apparently they made about 13 bikes like this in total . But I have ridden an RM500 Suzuki in the past and found it a bit more mellow than the Maico 490 , CR 480 , CR500 , KX500 , and Husky 500s that I am used to . That’s why I thought an air cooled CR or KX500 motor might be a better option than modifying an RM 500 to centre port exhaust .
I sort of drifted away from the OZVMX forum after the shutdown of Village Photos and then the cost of Photobucket , wiped out all my posted images . I know that there are now other options available to post images and I will have to find the time to work out how to do it .

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