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Messages - geebob

Pages: [1]
Vintage Track / Re: 2015 TBC
« on: January 19, 2015, 09:36:55 pm »
Well done to Steven, Darren and John for a job well done. Sorry for missing the 3rd round Darren but the tyre choice and back brake on the bike was malfunctioning. Of course I would have raced the third round even if it meant giving you the 1st place trophy ( lol ) if I could have.

Vintage Track / Re: Troy Bayliss Classic 2013 and 2014
« on: January 22, 2014, 09:22:28 pm »
Well, I have just read from page 20 through to 26 and find the posts some have made to be in very poor form. Just to highlight a few JOHNNYO "Quality of bikes pretty ordinary" " international race not a club day" " better quality field"    FIRKO  " dog breakfast of classes, presentation and riders ability"  DAVIDMC "alot of fast guys who would have liked to race" GRAEMEM " hire some young guns" 090  "showcase the best bikes and fastest riders" "shake off the old shit box stigma that is associated with our sport".  You all say that you love the sport and hope to have more classes in not only the TBC next year but in all events in general, but all I get from all the comments is the opposite. Who would want any of the people bitching and moaning at any event in the future. JOHNNYO & FIRKO you say these are not personal attacks on anyone involved & your not doubting the boys committment but that's exactly how your comments came across. Most of the riders have read these comments are are very disappointed. Troy Bayliss himself came and congratulated the boys and was thrilled with the races they rode but I bet if he reads these comments he wouldn't be too thrilled that such a successful outing for the evo riders as he put it has been so negatively discussed by a few.  Having been in the pits when the spectators were allowed in, the comments made and the photo's taken were all extremely positive maybe the whingers should take the old saying on board " IF YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING NICE DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL" because your opinions are bringing our sport down not showcasing it as you all seem to want to do.

Vintage Track / Re: 2011 Australian Classic Dirt Track Championships
« on: March 16, 2011, 01:46:11 am »
Hi Col, Just wanted to know is it total posts on the titles or total posts to all of the vmx forums. Waying up whether I have enough brain power to calculate the latter. Gee, grassy chill out - maybe you need a holiday to daydream island!!!!  ( Logged in under the hubby ) The Jack Daniels Girl!!!!! ;)

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