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Messages - ozktm

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 20
General Discussion / Re: Classic Dirt 15
« on: April 30, 2019, 07:40:55 am »

Can you give those Ceriani lowers to Firko? Then i'll grab them off him soon when i do a dash to Sydney.
Let me know what i owe you!


KTM / Re: Marzocchi assembly
« on: December 04, 2018, 04:14:08 pm »
Pages from Chassis Parts manual for your Forks showing assembly:

Wanted / Re: Marzocchi bushes
« on: August 29, 2017, 08:08:50 am »
Paolo replied :
"Unfortunately no: only the top scrapers and the internal caps on the screw cap.The forks are the same mounted on the Cagiva WMX: the only difference is that they have painted gray liners compared to the KTM."

Sorry guys, looks like you will have to get something made to suit...unless you find some NOS parts.


Wanted / Re: Marzocchi bushes
« on: August 29, 2017, 07:51:51 am »
I'll try my mate in Italy, he had some previously.

Bike Transport / Re: Maleny ( qld) to canberra or sydney
« on: August 02, 2017, 08:19:39 am »
I'll pick it up at CD14... next year.

Tech Talk / Re: Mikuni reference page for older MX bikes
« on: March 15, 2017, 07:39:00 am »
penton forum in the states has alot of info.

KTM / Re: Pistons?
« on: January 27, 2017, 06:52:07 am »
You will be able to use a '73-81 type piston, just needs modifying to have the reed holes etc to match the original.
I think Boyeson dual stage reeds are available, a new set of reeds can't hurt especially if you don't know how old they are, else go for the v-force upgrade, other posts are probably on this forum about them as the yamaha and honda guys are using them.

Try Andre's  site for the piston :

if Andre doesn't have what you need, contact Al Beuhner :

else contact me, and ill sort a piston kit out for you so its ready to go.

KTM / Re: Mounting a Mikuni carb on my 75 KTM 250
« on: January 22, 2017, 03:18:47 pm »
At this stage it depends on the model Bing you are running.
A type 2 Bing 54 (eg 54/38/106 stamping etc, ~42mm dia slide, slide stamp  # 220 or 230 etc), Andre at Enduro Klassiker can sort you out.
If its the earlier type 1 (eg 2/36/102 stamping etc , ~40mm dia slide, slide stamp #1 or #2 etc), i am waiting on a reply from Andre for availability of parts through him for these. Else you can try Al Beuhner at
I am about to rebuild a type 1 for a guy, hence seeing if available from andre as i am after type 2 parts as well for myself.

KTM / Re: Mounting a Mikuni carb on my 75 KTM 250
« on: January 19, 2017, 02:30:34 pm »
Running a 36mm bing with new slide/needle/needle jet etc. 76 MC5 250 runs like a champion.

« on: December 30, 2016, 05:27:25 pm »
Try Andre' at "Enduro Klassiker"
Bing parts can be found on his site too.

« on: December 23, 2016, 03:48:48 pm »
Try using the Boltons motorcycle parts finder site, put your part number in there. Note that you will have to use the '.' in between as per original numbering.
This may tell you if it was superceded, or just NLA "No longer available"

KTM / Re: KTM 495
« on: December 23, 2016, 03:46:40 pm »

Go to the identification page...

KTM / Re: '82 250MC Ring
« on: November 25, 2016, 05:49:45 pm »
I was also chasing a single ring for a 250 piston, but 71.5mm. No luck. I think they are 1.25mm thick for the single ring elko piston.
A 71.25mm ring was available from Al Beuhner in the states. Give him a try.

Else your only option is a new 71mm piston, or just go the next oversize at 71.25mm. Both available on Al's website.


For Sale / RM125 Wheel and Swingarm
« on: November 06, 2016, 12:23:15 pm »
See pics below $100. Pickup only due to the size. Shellharbour location.
I'm not knowledgeable on these bikes, so i don;t know the model. Study the pics.
I may have the shocks too, would have to track them down in the shed.
PM me a message.

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