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Messages - Nebo

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General Discussion / Re: Electric charger
« on: April 09, 2022, 11:39:24 am »
 Few people know about the new BIO Fuel being developed. Made from food waste and plant matter.
 It is not the same as Methanol or Ethanol. EXXON - Mobil in partnership with Porsche are this year using it
  in the Carrera Cup Cars. Some of the motorcycle manufactures are also testing it. Like BMW and KTM.
  Also a  Diesel version of the Fuel is being tested by
   Mann Trucks who are part of the VW group.

Maico / Re: 440 crank in a 400
« on: March 14, 2022, 11:41:53 am »
  Sleepy is correct.    Seen this misleading site several times over the years. Who ever printed it. Knew little about Maicos.
 The only thing you need to be sure of when fitting a new piston to a Maico is make sure you get the deck height correct.
  Even after running the Engine in . Pull the head off and check to see if the piston is hitting the head.
  Anyway no need to make it a 440 just put a 40mm Bing on it . Instant HP.


Suzuki / Re: rattle can black frame paint
« on: December 28, 2021, 06:03:55 pm »
 This would be good for my Ford Brake disc splash guards.

  And its on special at Repco. $12.80. $3.20 off.

Suzuki / Re: rattle can black frame paint
« on: December 26, 2021, 11:53:38 am »
Other suzuki owners may know a the correct black for the TS frame. Can recall that some suzuki oem frames were painted in a semi gloss paint. With bright light looked a little grey. I think a close match was made by VHT. 

Friend used Killrust epoxy Enamel on his TM and RM frames with good results.

Have used Rust-Oleum Black Epoxy on my Maico Square Barrel Frame and Koni with shocks with good results.

But this a true Gloss black.

 Dulux and White knight are good spray can paints but are a bit thin and the paint can easy run.

General Discussion / Re: Vintage Motorcycle Scam - Beware!!
« on: November 27, 2021, 03:53:51 pm »
  Can you give any details to all of us who this person is or could be?.

  Could help to stop others being burnt.

Honda / Re: Honda Elsinore rear shocks.
« on: October 17, 2021, 12:15:14 pm »
      Cannot go wrong with a set of old Koni,s. Thats what was used in the day. Easy to rebuild if the shafts are ok .
      Ikon have new replacement seal caps,springs etc. Or they can help you with the Koni replicar shocks they make.



Wanted / Re: 81 maico GS centre stand
« on: October 02, 2021, 01:54:14 pm »

     Contact Paul at Stacker Motorcycles Research Vic.  041 503 5415

Competition / Re: Evolution Class 2021
« on: December 20, 2020, 06:10:54 pm »
 The Question is will the EVO class be run as a support class at all rounds of the Nationals in 2021. 
If not does anybody have any information on which rounds do. If not may have to wait to the sup regs come out.
I think the 125 Class is to be run as a support class at all rounds.
The reason i ask is we have a updated CR125 we wish to run and a Maico Mega 2 with either a reed 250 engine or a 440 engine with several upgrades and want to see how much time we have to complete the bikes.
Buy the way if any body asks the bike will meet the EVO class rules.

General Discussion / Re: Rats and two stroke oils
« on: December 20, 2020, 05:33:52 pm »
Some years ago at the Broadford Motorsports Complex there was a serious problem with Rats.
I think they came from the local tip which was only 2-3 KM away as the crow fly,s.
Anyway they were very destructive .  Getting into a outside storage shed and eating the tops of almost a pallet of bottled water and chewing the plugs and sockets of power extension leads but they did not chew the cable. Most good electrical cable is treated with a chemical the rats do not like. We killed them with Talon brand Rat bait , a good product but they keep coming back after a few weeks.  So we got the local Pest and Weed kill guy in. His nickname was Toxic.
He got the name because he used chemicals that were banded for sale or no longer made and of course not even a little bit green friendly.  Anyway we do not know what he used and he would not say but it killed the rats and they did not came back for long time and then only in small numbers. Just in closing rats also like motorcycle seats and car interiors.
So be Warned . Kill Them. Otherwise when they eat you BMW or Porsche seats you will cry when you get the repair bill.

Wanted / Re: Piston pin circlips
« on: November 28, 2020, 10:16:03 am »
HI .  Try Modak in Melbourne CBD or Central Motorcycles Huntingdale. Should not be hard to find all parts for this engine as they used in many British bikes including AJS etc,etc.
If you go on the British Web sites you can almost get anything OEM ,Old Stock and Reproduction.

General Discussion / Re: Who's smarter
« on: November 11, 2020, 10:39:18 am »
I have seen in a Toyota 4 Wheel Drive Manual not to drink the coolant but not the battery liquid.

What Car Owners Manual did you see this warning in ?.

General Discussion / Re: Can of worms
« on: October 27, 2020, 03:43:49 pm »
   How much is a VMX bike Worth?.
I have a Honda Dax. Did have XL250,RD350,RZ350. Do not wish i still had them. Brother has a JR80 and XR75.

I think you you have the put bikes in Categories.

Disassembled or Basket Case. You need to have a good look of what you buying it may be a good restro or scrap.
We have brought several Maico,s in a million bits when they were worth nothing. Turned out to be enough parts to all most build 3 complete bikes. Lucy enough to have the benefit of the high OZ Dollar some years ago to able to restore several Maico,s.

Ready to Race.  At what level ?. Club/Local may be. I remember one of the first VMX meetings in Victoria at Barrabool.
Some guys had spent a lot time and money others had dragged them out the shed after being there for years. And done little to them.
Half them were back on the ute or trailer before practice was over.

 Brought a 1970 250 square Barrel Maico for $800 almost 15 years ago. Slow, Clutch did not work well, this is normal.  But fun to ride.
Had silly idea of running at OZ VMX titles. Need more power,Radical port job needed,Pipe, Strong Wheels,Clutch that works, upgrade gearbox,suspension, etc, etc.
Over $3000.00 later and my nephew winning Several Oz titles on it . How much is it Worth?.  It is not for sale.

Same with 74 LTR 400GP Maico. My Brothers. Special Pipe, PVL Ing, Koni GP shocks,many Engine mods,Sun rims and Stainless spokes, etc, etc. This bike has Won several Oz Titles. How much is it worth?. It is not for sale.

Show Bike/100% Original/Full Restro . Is it a rare make and model?.  May look good on the outside . Whats its history?. What is on the inside?. Who built the engine?.
Show me the receipts for Parts and Labor. A new paint job and plastics can make a bike look good.
Many people have been ripped off from buying bikes and cars from the USA and are not what they are supposed to be.   Be careful.

 In conclusion some people will pay any price if they want it bad enough.
Old cars and bikes are like dirt they do not make it anymore.
And try buying a classic car cheap and restoring cheaply it.  Example a Porsche.


General Discussion / Re: VMX Unlimited
« on: October 04, 2020, 05:40:12 pm »
Unfortunately there are many companies that operate like VMX UNLIMITED .    Like So Cal MAICO . Good Prices on most parts ,  freight not bad but you could what 2/3 months for your parts.  The overall retail industry is all so at fault, no matter what you purchase. Always make sure it is in Stock before you pay.
Old Fart should have Checked first with AllBalls as they would most likely have the seals he wants in stock.  Then he could have ordered them from any Good M/C Shop.

On the other hand with the Covid Problems and Dock issues many products are in short supply .

For example i ordered a Expensive CD Player from Dick Smith 6 Months ago , still wanting for stock.

KTM / BING 55 SERIES Carburetor.
« on: September 07, 2020, 06:15:05 pm »
 Could someone out there in KTM land help me with some dimensions of the Bing 55 Series Carburetor.

I need to know the Outlet spigot outside diameter and the Inlet Outside diameter.

And if the 55/38/...  and 55/40/... are the same dimensions.

« on: September 07, 2020, 05:33:41 pm »
 Can anybody give some feedback of the quality of ASSO Pistons made in Italy.  And Vintco Pistons and Sleeves .
 I think the Vintco sleeves are made in the US and the Pistons in Germany.
 Just want to know if they are as good as Wossner Pistons which we have used in our Maico,s for several years.
     With no issues. With parts like Rings and Circlips easy to obtain.
 What can be a problem with some of these products is can you get parts for these pistons like Rings , Circlips, Piston pins and Little end bearings.

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