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Messages - DAllen

Pages: [1]
Introductions / From the States
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:06:03 am »
Hi everyone!  Came across this forum while searching for performance upgrades for the TS250 Suzuki.  Looks like you guys have quite a vintage MX scene down there in Australia!  I've ran around the tracks up here back in the day - and recently too - but those days are beoming far and few between anymore.  Most recently, I have been playing around with this 72' TS250: mild porting, larger carb and expansion chamber.  A dirt bike crotch rocket, the front brake is lacking and will be replaced by a unit from the Suzuki GT380 road bike.  I thoroughly enjoy reading and watching what you guys are up to!
                   Regards,  DAllen   

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