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Messages - KateM

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Kate, I hope you get this and I am sorry that I missed this thread.  I used to work with your dad at Yamaha Australia back in the 90's, and in fact we sat at adjacent desks.  He was a true character, and had a booming laugh I can still hear as clearly as if he were sitting next to me now.  I am deeply, deeply sorry to hear this news.

Your father gave me some advice once which I have carried with me to this day.  He told me that no matter what you did with your life, and no matter what mistakes you might have made in the past - if you were willing to put in ten good years of effort, you could get anywhere you wanted to in this life.  Those words were crucial in my decision to go back to uni in my mid 30's to get my degree, which built a whole new career and a new life for me. 

I have often thought of finding him, just to say thanks.  His was just some fatherly advice for a kid who was a bit lost - but it changed my life.  I'm a bit upset now, that I never got around to following through.  A lesson in not putting off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Rest in peace Eddie.  And thanks mate.


I got this, thank you so so much for sharing that. If you were at Yamaha with him then it is likely that we probably met, with me being very little at the time. Even though you may not have had the chance to thank him for his advice, what you told me is exactly relevant to something that I am facing at the moment, & you have just given me the greatest gift- my dad's own advice. Thank you so very much, I'm sure he would have been nothing but proud of your choices.


Hi everyone,
I'm Eddie Lancaster's daughter & I just came across this thread created after his passing. He loved his bikes & racing so much, but unfortunately a lot of the photos he had of his racing days are now lost. Does anyone have any, or know of anyone who might? I miss my dad, he passed way too early, & pictures & stories from this happy time in his life are of great comfort to me & my family. My dad always spoke so fondly of the people he raced with. As I said, any photos, stories or information would be so wonderful.
Thanks in advance!

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