« on: October 19, 2019, 06:02:27 pm »
The Majority of us will never get a trophy so to me that's not an issue . I prefer posting entries but im comp literate enough to muddle through . Distance is the killer for me and the main reason when and where I ride . Two drawbacks to it for me Self employed in a one man job and that little strip of water that's called Bass Straight . ( A Cpl with a ute using a cabin in season return is approx $1000. ) then add fuel to Qld or WA and time off ( while my competitors take away my clients ) I know the WA crowd drives across the country each time and I admire them their dedication but I cant take the time off . The states I can do are VIC , NSW and SA . Apart from that Tasmania is a great place but utterly shit for VMX . And flat track whats that ?