« on: October 07, 2011, 05:52:57 pm »
last weekend had a problem, starting to back fire on the way back to the car. an would die with anything more than half throttle. suspected it to be a blown head gasket made sense when i took it home an one of the head nuts was starting to come loose. pulled it down clean everything up. re-anealed the head gasket an put it back on. put bike back together an went to kick start it. same problem. except it wouldnt start. just loud backfires. plenty of spark to the plug when kicked over. i am stumped any help? is it possible for the timing to shift. you wouldnt think it was the flywheel as i had a new one installed a year ago. bad batch of fuel?? it was from a failry big BP an is 98. spark plug? dunno its a new plug?