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Messages - Dan-166

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« on: October 13, 2009, 05:09:24 pm »
I shall chase Leon Wood up tonight and get back to you. Cheers

« on: October 12, 2009, 10:09:39 pm »
Camping at the track is OK. There are showers, toilets etc on site. At this stage there looks like there will be a two course meal on the Saturday night for approx $25 per head. I shall know more in a couple of days and keep you posted. Cheers.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN's 10 Year Anniversary Gig
« on: September 30, 2009, 10:13:15 am »
OK guys, who's heading out on the Friday and camping at the track Friday night?

« on: September 23, 2009, 07:46:42 pm »
Lakes is a definite goer for the 24th & 25th of October. Usual format with practice on the Saturday and 2 rounds of normal HEAVEN racing on the Sunday. New members encouraged to come and try it out. We are trying to organise a meal for the Saturday night and possibly some movies for those interested. Cost of the meal will be approx $25 per head and we will need numbers in advance, so I will get the flyer out for this early next week.
As for Lake Glenbawn, I think that they still have the track licensed but I shall give Leon a call and confirm that this round is a goer for November. Cheers.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN's 10 Year Anniversary Gig
« on: September 23, 2009, 03:06:46 pm »
Yes Graeme, I agree. Maybe next year if we grease the right palms!!!!!

Competition / Re: HEAVEN's 10 Year Anniversary Gig
« on: September 23, 2009, 02:34:41 pm »
MX tyres are ok as we won't be using the trotting track at all. It is strictly off limits.

Competition / Re: EVO challenge
« on: September 18, 2009, 08:35:15 am »
Thanks for the post. I agree regarding the national event and its need to be supported by the vintage community in general, not just dirt track. I feel that it is about time that the dirt track, enduro and motocross guys get together and develop a plan to work strategically together and help each other out, rather than fighting for bums on seats at our own individual disciplans. What do we need to do to make this happen?? Feedback guys.
I would of loved to ride the dirt track nationals this weekend but due to all the other commitments and costs, unfortunately I cannot. So best of luck to all those guys riding this weekend and I'm sure that the HMCC will put on a great event. I have baby sitting duties this weekend but hope to bring the boys along on Sunday at some stage for a look and catch up with a few people.

Competition / Re: EVO challenge
« on: September 16, 2009, 08:26:47 am »
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Keep it coming!

Competition / Re: HEAVEN's 10 Year Anniversary Gig
« on: September 15, 2009, 08:33:43 pm »
Thanks for that. Much appreciated. We are working on getting the entry forms and all the event details together and hopefully shall forward to you by tomorrow evening at latest. Thanks again.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN's 10 Year Anniversary Gig
« on: September 15, 2009, 08:26:40 am »
Great racing on the weekend between Carl and Damo in a number of classes, even if I was watching it from behind them in their dust! I am sure that both of them would agree. The 125 Trophy race was close for the whole race with not more than a couple of bike lengths in it for the majority of the race with Damo edging out Carl for the win. Carl was to exact his revenge though in the Pre85 Open race on his 84 CR500 that looked in unmolested original condition and showed us all how a big bore two banger should be ridden. Talking with Carl about the bike over the weekend  and he said that he loves riding the bike and he sure  does know how to ride it.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN's 10 Year Anniversary Gig
« on: September 14, 2009, 08:47:36 pm »
Mexicans, Canadians, you name em. The more the better.

Competition / Re: EVO challenge
« on: September 14, 2009, 02:20:49 pm »
What are your thoughts in regards to the re-structuring? I am a relative newby to the VMX scene and this is only my second full year of competing. I hear a lot of different opinions and idea's from people on how things should be run but not many are willing to put there hand up to do the hard yakka when it comes to running or promoting an event. From what I can understand you have a lot of experience and passion when it comes to the VMX scene  and would really appreciate your input. I am keen to assist in anyway I can here in NSW (especially within the HEAVEN club) to make the sport more of a success and enjoyable for all those that participate and those who might potentially participate.

Competition / Re: EVO challenge
« on: September 14, 2009, 01:56:13 pm »
Thanks for the feedback guys. Keep it coming. All constructive critiscism is encourgaed.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN's 10 Year Anniversary Gig
« on: September 14, 2009, 01:34:25 pm »
This event is defineately a goer. Event is being held at Canowindra NSW on the October long weekend. Saturday afternoon (evening maybe) will be trophy races based on age groups and Sunday will be two full rounds of normal HEAVEN pointscore racing. Camping facilities available at the track with showers and toilets, some power available on a first in best dresses basis. Pre 78 freindly grass track is going to be the order of the weekend with possibly a few small man made obstacles but again, these shall be Pre 78 friendly. We hope to get the flyer up on the website this week. The whole event is being promoted as a family event with plenty of local shopping and small country town attractions for the ladies. So get behind it guys and indulge in a roadtrip. It will be a great weekend so lets all get behind it.

Competition / Re: EVO challenge
« on: September 14, 2009, 01:05:16 pm »
Fellow VMXers,
HEAVEN ran the EVO challenge on the weekend  and as indicated previously, the entries were dissappointing to say the least. To receive only thirty odd entries compared to 80 plus at past EVO challenge events is something that needs to be investigated in my belief. I had a ball on the weekend even though the numbers were down and I am sure that a lot of the other fellow racers did as well.
The weekend presented a huge challenge for the committe to conduct the event but to their credit, they got stuck into it, invited feedback and input from the members that attended and got on with the job. Everyone that was there pitched in and got the event running. Even with the lower numbers, I would say that we had less trouble getting flaggies than we normally do, go figure.
Congrats to all those guys that made the effort to turn up and race. Carl Bletcher put in a super human effort in the trophy races by riding all except the juniors and the fourstroke. Carl needed an extra trailer to carry all his silverware home but more credit to him for being there. There were guys that picked up trophy's for the first time so that was great to see as well.
The whole weekend at the track reflected the spirit that is alive and well in the HEAVEN club. All picthing in to get the event running, helping out new members ( Phil , number 777 , on his pristene Husky 250 ) and sitting around the campfire on the Saturday night solving the problems of the world whilst enjoying a few quite ones ( not like the crew that stayed in town??????).
So, why were the numbers down so dramatically?? For the benefit of the club members and future events, I would invite people to share their thoughts on this . So get typing guys and give us all some feedback.
Cheers and see you all at Canowindra.

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