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Messages - Dan-166

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Competition / Re: Retro MX Inc - Round 1 NSW Pre '90 series.
« on: March 04, 2011, 01:12:05 PM »
That would be good, thanks for that.
You looking at doing it in a day trip? Ricki may be up for the day as well.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN 2011 NEWS AND CALENDAR
« on: March 04, 2011, 12:44:59 PM »
Well guys, only a couple of weeks to the start of the HEAVEN season now, so who's organised and who's going to the first round?

Competition / Re: Retro MX Inc - Round 1 NSW Pre '90 series.
« on: March 04, 2011, 12:42:24 PM »
Thinking about coming down for the day if I can get a leave pass. Any idea on what time it will kick off on Sunday as I would drive down on Sunday morning? I haven't ridden at Dargle since the mid 90's but last time I was there, it was a blast. Do you know yet how the classes will be structured?

« on: November 01, 2010, 05:42:24 PM »
Not long to go now. Keep the entries rolling in. With the weather the way it is at the moment, dust surely won't be an issue so get out and enjoy the last HEAVEN meet for the year. As said before, one round of racing Saturday, practice riding after that. Saturday night, few quiet ales with good company around the campsites. Sunday will bring the final round of points on offer for the year as well as the AGM and presentation. Sure to be a great weekend. See you all there. Cheers.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN at Canowindra
« on: September 28, 2010, 08:35:29 PM »
Well punters, spoke with the trackmaster "Greg" last night, all looking good for the weekend. Plenty of greenery out there this year so should make for a picturesque weekend. Lot's of room for camping, showers, toilets and power available. Stable your trusty steed in one of the many stables that will be available in the pit's ( just remember that as per last year, it will be a closed pit area ). Track will get bunted on Friday afternoon ( fully bunted both sides ), so if your planning on getting there Friday arvo, come and give us a hand. as they say. many hands make light work.
Sign on will be available on Friday night with scrutineering to start on Saturday morning.
Track is a little bit longer this yearand slightly different , so should be some great racing.
See you there.

Bike Talk / Re: Pre-90 for HEAVEN?
« on: September 28, 2010, 08:26:09 PM »
Message sent. Cheers.

Bike Talk / Re: Pre-90 for HEAVEN?
« on: September 28, 2010, 07:28:34 PM »
Do you feel that this is the right place to discuss the clubs politics?

Competition / Re: HEAVEN at Canowindra
« on: September 27, 2010, 08:00:02 PM »
Entries still rolling in Graeme. Looking like it will be another great weekend , just like last year. If you haven't sent your entry in yet, it not to late, give me a call on 0429 811 845 and we can sort out the details. Cheers.

Wanted / Re: XR headlight.
« on: September 20, 2010, 05:52:53 PM »
When do you need it by? Could bring one to Canowindra if not to late?

Competition / Re: HEAVEN at Canowindra
« on: September 14, 2010, 12:24:39 PM »
Thanks Graeme, working on it at the moment. Will forward it shortly. Cheers.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN at Canowindra
« on: September 13, 2010, 04:03:13 PM »
Well, Canberra is now done and dusted ( or mudded with ice thrown in after a very frosty Sunday morning ) so it is now time to start thinking about Canowindra.
Great weekend to be had by all. When else do you get to ride in the middle of a showground? Sure to be green this year after all the rain. Meal available on Saturday night, canteen operating on Saturday and Sunday, camping available from Friday to Monday morning. Very vinatge friendly track on offer with some guys even running dirt track tyres last year. So don't miss out on what promises to be a great weekend both socially and racing wise. Huge thanks to Greg up front for all his effort in making this event happen.
If you require any further info, don't hesitate to contact me. Cheers.

Bike Talk / Re: Pre-90 for HEAVEN?
« on: September 07, 2010, 05:56:51 PM »
I agree Rick, but the people ( I don't mean to offend anyone by this ) who want Pre 90 included in the race program need to get behind it and make the case for it within the HEAVEN Club, follow the process and make it happen.

Bike Talk / Re: Pre-90 for HEAVEN?
« on: September 06, 2010, 01:36:22 PM »
Just to clarify, 5% of members actively seeking to get Pre 90 into the race program, not 5% of members that own Pre 90 bikes. Sorry to be anal about that  but I got myself into trouble on this forum before due to my comments being taken out of context!
I am sure that there is more than 5% of current members that own a Pre 90 bike but I do not have the figures for this. Cheers.
BTW are you coming to Canberra? Cheers.

Bike Talk / Re: Pre-90 for HEAVEN?
« on: September 06, 2010, 08:32:13 AM »
My two cents as a HEAVEN member,
I believe that Pre 90 will happen as a natural progression of the sport but as to when, I am unsure of that. One thing for sure is that when the majority of HEAVEN members decide that they want Pre 90 in the club as a class to "race", then it will become reality. At the moment (from what I observe), there are approx 8-10 members who have a wish to see Pre 90 added to the HEAVEN race program. Let's not forget that Pre 90 bikes can be ridden all day on the Saturday's that the club has rec riding.
The members asking for Pre 90 equate to approx 5% of the club membership.
The other issue is if Pre 90 is introduced, what would the race program be? HEAVEN already has a packed race program for race days. What class would loose out to make way for Pre 90?
As Shoey has said on other posts, if the people wanting Pre 90 put together a plan for how it could happen and then present this to all the members, then this I believe would be the first step to gaining some momentum for the Pre 90 movement.
Personally, I am happy to ride the current classes available, but having said that, when Pre 90 does eventuate, then I will probably buy a Pre 90 bike to ride as well. Reason, era that I grew up, raced and would give me two extra rides at a race day. Truth be told, I already am looking for the bike that I have picked for Pre 90 ( Honda XR600 ) and when I find the right one, I shall buy it regardless of whther or not Pre 90 is in the HEAVEN race program or not.

Just my thoughts.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN VMX Inc Evo Challenge - 14th & 15th August
« on: August 12, 2010, 05:29:00 PM »
All good stuff guys but back to the original intent of the post - 2010 Evo Challenge

Forecast is for the weekend as follows;
Friday - min 10 deg with max 17 deg, overcast with possible shower of up to 1mm of rain.
Saturday - min 8 deg with max 19 deg , no rain in sight.
Sunday - min 10 deg with max 19 deg, no rain in sight but windy
Slight chance of amber fluid being consumed to excess with high chance of fun and good times!

Perfect weather for racing so even if you can't or don't want to race, good opportunity to get out for a great weekend at the track!

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