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Messages - tmman

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
Wanted / rm250b
« on: May 09, 2014, 08:11:40 PM »
wanted frame and tripple clamps any usable condition..

Suzuki / Re: rm125 m frame I.D
« on: May 04, 2014, 11:18:06 AM »
cdi on head tube S cdi on frame front of air box M

Tech Talk / Re: RM370 Mod with RM125 77 forks
« on: April 24, 2014, 06:03:12 PM »
looks like ol number ones got one on thoug :o :-X
Of course he has and a floating brake, that's why this whole bullshit debate started cos we know they were used in 77!
i'm sure there was a press release from the authorities stateing that these were only photo's of a weather baloon and should be seen as such....

Tech Talk / Re: RM370 Mod with RM125 77 forks
« on: April 24, 2014, 11:16:30 AM »
thats not an alloy swing arm is it ????
how can that possably be!!!!!

Bike Transport / WA to Brisbane (toowoomba nats)
« on: March 24, 2014, 09:12:19 PM »
any one from WA (perth) coming over for classic nationals in toowoomba???
need bike transported....
willing to pay....
send me a PM....

Competition / Re: 1977 rm125b eligability
« on: January 28, 2014, 04:10:36 PM »
good that you looked up the spelling brad,, thought you might.. n last time we had a stoush i went to the working bee n waited for you to come over as you had implied you would only to turn round a few hour later to see you had gone... the content of your babble is of no consequence to anyone,, your tone well...
n i'll be round this year on my peasant TM...

Competition / Re: 1977 rm125b eligability
« on: January 28, 2014, 12:38:03 PM »
well bill i thought capatialsts only wrote with capital letters...
n seeing you have a shed or two full of all sorts we would expect that sort of answer..
i suppose you go to the modern MX n tell the guy at the club day with his 06 model to boot of cause this is modern MX..
its not AMA or MX1 my dear friend...
i've only been involved in this clicky society for a few years n in that time have talked to vmx enthusiasts that have walked away cause of the bull and or shit involved..
so it should be more about getting as much as you can for your dollar not spending 10k to only ride 9 laps a month cause someone doesnt like the look of your bsa bantam in the open pre90...

Competition / Re: 1977 rm125b eligability
« on: January 28, 2014, 11:37:46 AM »
It actually does depend on the situation, at least here in Queensland. It is of the opinion of some, at say for e.g. a club day you turned up with an rm125b. Then you could in theory ride pre78,evo,pre85 and pre90. That is not encouraged as it makes the races a dogs breakfast. This has been thrashed many a time on here where others that think its all bureaucracy gone mad. For me it's easy, we have era based racing so keep it like that. If you're too tight or too lazy to prep/clean a second bike, or not financially able to buy a second bike then that is your situation and not everyone else's .If one can do it, everyone can do it. Vmx is more than just bums on seats. This way it actually encourages more bikes to be seen/ridden/bought back to life.
But in the case of your particular question re the post classic nationals, you will be accepted with your rm125b in evo.
why thank you Mr donald trump-van barello...
your latest promotion to CEO of media relations has come as a surprise...
your quote someone to lazy ( or works 2 jobs to support a family/ sole parent etc etc) or is financially challanged should in your words SUFFER because of your opinion its messy..
at least you waited till after australia day to be un australian...
you could enlighten us n put up a link to the ruling that states a DT1 for example can't compete pre 90...
it was manufactured pre 90... so if someone wants to handycap themselves whats the problem
some people,, myself included would rather eviserate ourselves with a rusty spoon than have a shed full or german scrap metal...

General Discussion / Re: Coaching - QLD
« on: January 23, 2014, 03:29:06 PM »
12 months or so now we had a coach/practise motard day at nudgee track thru mc sportsmans..
wasn't difficult to arrange insurance etc etc...
hardest part was getting hold of the then president n hiring track...
which puts money back into the club..
this could maybe be "free" track hire... (just athought) if it was a working bee in morning coach/ride in arvo,,, as first you would have to find the track... its a tad overgrown...
just puttin it out there...

Suzuki / Re: Need help identifiying swingarm
« on: January 19, 2014, 03:03:19 PM »
maybe a redline arm...

Suzuki / Re: Sp 400
« on: January 17, 2014, 10:02:32 AM »
Stewy,  you get the Boilermaker of the Month, Golden Dolly Award. Nice work my friend.
now now firko....
there was no sign of a 5pound hammer bein used ????????

Suzuki / Re: RM 125 B
« on: January 16, 2014, 05:53:35 PM »
bill only said he had 3 not that he wanted to sell any

General Discussion / Re: CR500 Eater
« on: January 14, 2014, 12:28:00 PM »
Here's a unique bit of engineering I spotted while looking at the above Evinrude
its tmman (john)
give me call.  0401808442
or PM me
popeye pik bike up on 27th

Competition / Re: Anahiem 1 sx. how to watch free on the net?
« on: January 05, 2014, 09:48:12 PM »
hey 090 didn't you fall off a perfectly good one of them n break you collarbone chasing C graders round QMP...

eBay Finds / Re: wreckers???
« on: January 03, 2014, 05:23:46 PM »
had a run in with that idiot once before,,, got into a heated debate...
bit later he's advertising everywhere about his stolen personal bike with all the bling...
i sent him a nice message regarding KARMA...
was banned from bidding or contacting him...
not that i endorse taking shit but what goes around as they say..

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