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Messages - czeck

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
Competition / Re: 2015 Roy East Pre65 - Pre70 series - Heaven NSW
« on: September 29, 2015, 04:41:51 PM »
only a few more sleeps

Competition / Re: Heaven VMX Rd6 - Maitland
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:01:47 AM »
one more sleep
weather forecast looks great

Competition / Re: Heaven Rd4 - Bathurst
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:31:22 AM »
I would like to thank all the flaggies, all the officials, special mention to Steve who spent the whole day on the starting line, the lap scorers who spend the whole day doing it, Scrivo who did a whole bunch of last minute work to get the event going,  Kenneth who carts all the merchandise to all the meetings, the helpers who give us a hand to pack up all the club stuff and Noel who year after year tallies the point score

for those that have never been to Canowindra, can you put up a map for the location.

bit of racing from last year

Competition / Re: 2015 Roy east series
« on: April 15, 2015, 12:00:21 PM »

2 days of funnnnnnnn

waving flags sounds good

have you got your entry in? don't waste money on  a late entry

Vinduro / Re: Gloucester 2 Day Vinduro 14th& 15th March 2015 N.S.W
« on: February 10, 2015, 10:35:37 AM »
Can you put up some contact details as I am getting phone calls about all the events and it would be good to refer the riders to some one from your club

Competition / Re: Final Heaven VMX meeting of the year - Lakes 1/2 Nov.
« on: November 03, 2014, 11:56:47 AM »
all done and dusted
great weekend of racing and lot of the spots not decided until Sunday
check out

for some great photos

Thanks to everyone that helped out during the year.
Cannot wait for next year

Competition / Re: Canowindra Cup 2014
« on: September 30, 2014, 10:14:41 AM »
Only a couple of days to go. Please enter or let us know you are coming. It is being catered and if you do not pre enter? how do we know how many to feed.
You may miss out on a meal.


Competition / Re: So…..Why are you NOT racing???
« on: September 25, 2014, 06:36:24 PM »
Can someone start again and name this WHY WE RACE
the problem with any forums is that most people just read it and never participate. If I was thinking of taking up VMX and read all of the above I would certaimly think otherwise.
I am 61 and love all the tracks, jumps and all. I race a bike from pre 65 to pre84  There is no such thing as a bad track and all obstackes can be ridden over if you cannot jump them.
The reason I ride and race is because there is nothing better in the wordl like ridding an Mx bike of any vintage.
No other sport comes close.
There is no other sport that is so exhilirating, no other sport that leaves you feeling so good after a weekend of racing. There is no other sport that combines fitnes and speed like MX. When was the last time you went racing and had a crap time either on the bike or drinking beer with your buddies. Me never. I just spent a day at a modern track with a whole bunch of kids that were jumping over my head, but guess what, I had a fantastic day. Took my wife up who rode on the kids track. What a blast. Today I got a sore back and a bunch of blisters but hey it will be a sad day when you cannot ride your motorcycle.
Stop moaning about all the problems( there is not any) get your bike and ride before you get tooooo  miserable.

Get a bike and ride

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