OzVMX Forum

Clubroom => General Discussion => Topic started by: firko on September 21, 2009, 11:55:54 am

Title: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on September 21, 2009, 11:55:54 am
As I've reported elsewhere on the forum, well known Bendigo vintage racer Noel Clarke is in the spinal clinic of Royal Melbourne Hospital after a nasty getoff a month ago. Sadly, Noel is now a quadriplegic with a break to his T3 vertabra and other severe injuries. Surgeons have fused his spinal vertabrae from T2 through T5 to protect the damaged area and Noel now faces a long, painful and expensive recuperation period. I've spoken to Tony Clarke this morning and he reports that Noel is scooting around the ward in an electric wheelchair which nurses have had to have two of its 3 speeds blanked off to slow him down!

Noels attitude is reportedly extremely positive and being a Clarke you can bet that he's itching to get out of hospital to resume his life in as normal a way as his injuries will allow. One of the keys to Noels future being as active as possible is resting on his ability to get around. He's a shearing contractor with the need to have access to shearing sheds and other farm terrain. To do that he's going to need the best wheelchair available and that's where Klub Kevlar and Darren Hill come into the picture. Darren Hill (E74 on this forum) is the Australian distributor for the amazing Levo wheelchair system. These chairs allow the owner to stand and live a far more active life than the simple bog standard chair (see links below). As with most groundbreaking innovation, technology costs money which will put a hefty financial burden on the Clarke family. In an amazingly generous gesture, Darren has offered to provide Noel with a Levo C3 wheelchair for cost. That offers a considerable cost saving to the family but as I wrote, the chairs are cutting edge technology and therefore still very expensive. That's where Klub Kevlar comes in.

A number of us are good friends of Noel and even though he's in Victoria and we're in Sydney we felt that we had to do something. The first step was to bring Darren and Levo Australia on board and the next step is to set up a program of fund raising activities to enable the family to purchase the Levo wheelchair.

Our first effort will be a Show'n'Shine tentatively called the Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine, Noel Clarke Benefit that's to be held at the historic Alroy Tavern in Plumpton. The Alroy was chosen because it is set on a couple of acres of park like landscape, with ample area for displaying our vintage bikes and for it's close proximity to two M7 freeway offramps, making it foolproof to find. I've had meetings with Alroy management and they're extremely keen for us to hold the event and have committed to assisting with media promotion in the weeks leading up to the event and have kindly offered a $10 spit roast and free schooner deal to all entrants and will donate all meal profits to the cause.
The event is still in the planning stage as I write this but we plan to have awards for Best British, Best Japanese and Best Euro bikes as well as other awards yet to be formalised. We encourage as many vintage dirt bike enthusiasts to bring as many of their bikes as humanly possible to make the show as interesting and entertaining to the public as possible. We will be inviting the classic speedway club to display their speedway machinery and hope to involve as many of the vintage movements suppliers and small businesses as possible. We encourage club participation and will approach both HEAVEN and Penrith club to set up displays and recruitment tables. At present we're thinking about holding the show'n'shine on either November 7 or 15 depending on the pub booking and the ability to encourage as much participation as possible.http://www.flickr.com/photos/29029178@N03/3344050834/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/29029178@N03/3344050834/)

One of the toughest things to do with our sport is to see a fallen comrade do it tough. I feel it's imperative that we rally together as a movement to assist one of our own who's entering into a difficult future. I implore the vintage movement to support this event and to dig deep into your pockets to help raise as much money as possible to assist in the purchase of the wheelchair. Klub Kevlar won't be happy until we've raised the readies to cover the costs. Please, support this event with both your participation and bikes and by donating as much as you can spare. A side bonus to all that get involved is that we'll also have a bloody great time. If you've got any good ideas or comments please let us know.........
http://ozvmx.com/community/index.php?topic=7427.0 (http://ozvmx.com/community/index.php?topic=7427.0)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFWByyp7F6s&feature=email (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFWByyp7F6s&feature=email)
http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.levo.net.au/images/product-LEVO-C3-v1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.levo.net.au/company-profile.html&usg=__ogJ4uBDeE95qx2scg7Ms3BgynaY=&h=422&w=337&sz=86&hl=en&start=5&um=1&tbnid=1P4kUBg0v0BW2M:&tbnh=126&tbnw=101&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlevo%2Bc3%2Bwheelchair%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26um%3D1 (http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.levo.net.au/images/product-LEVO-C3-v1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.levo.net.au/company-profile.html&usg=__ogJ4uBDeE95qx2scg7Ms3BgynaY=&h=422&w=337&sz=86&hl=en&start=5&um=1&tbnid=1P4kUBg0v0BW2M:&tbnh=126&tbnw=101&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlevo%2Bc3%2Bwheelchair%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26um%3D1)
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: TT on September 21, 2009, 12:23:42 pm
I'm in.
I've sent you an email, Mark.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on September 21, 2009, 04:06:12 pm
Thanks Walter, I knew you'd come through. I'll keep you in the loop mate as soon as we get the logistics worked out.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on September 21, 2009, 06:00:35 pm
The Kevlar girls are back after spending the week in Auckland honing their swimming skills at the Mermaid Bar. They're now in training camp getting fit for the Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine, Noel Clarke Benefit. Bring it on.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: basil44 on September 21, 2009, 06:49:07 pm
Ive got some goodies for you to auction or raffle off, pm me your ph number, John.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: fatboyracing on September 22, 2009, 06:39:41 am
Hi Firko,
Count me in for a $100.00 from the Tassie branch of Klub Kevlar I wish I could do more can you please pm me a bank account number and I will deposit the money straight away.

I hope all other riders and crew can get together and donate some money to what I think is a great cause. I would like to think if it happened to me that you guys would help me.

Shane Fraser
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on September 22, 2009, 10:22:27 am
Thanks Shane, Tony and John the many others who've contacted me offline....I'm going to set up a bank a/c and as soon as it's up I'll post the particulars. (I'm not really sure of the logistics of setting up a special account so I'll get the braniac to do it for me) . I'm going to the Alroy Tavern tomorrow to lock in a date and sort out the details with the publican but I'm going to push for November 15th.

I've had a number of offers for items to auction/raffle/sell but I'm not sure which is the best way to go with that. An auction on the day would be one thing but my thoughts are to place the donated goods on eBay in an attempt to get the auction to as many people as possible and potentially raise more money. We've formed a little organising comittee and we'll work that one out on the weekend. In the meantime, if anybody has anything they'd like to donate for the auction, please PM me with what you've got and your phone number and I'll get back you.

For this to come off we need your full support. Please support a fallen comrade by digging deep, shining up the bikes and bringing them along to show off and donating something to auction off. It doesn't have to be new and shiny, just usable and worth something to somebody! As well as supporting a good cause the Snow'n'Shine gives the vintage movement here in Sydney a chance to showcase what we're about to a larger audience. Who knows, we may manage to find some new enthusiasts to join in the fun....... ;D
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: TT on September 22, 2009, 11:31:30 am
When I did my charity ride last year, I just went to my local bank and they set up an account free of all charges as it was a charity thing. I guess the same would work for this?
I like the idea of auctioning items on eBay as I'm sure a lot of us may like to have a bid or two but can't make it to an event over there.
This isn't something I would expect Klub Kevlar to administer, but maybe we could all find something in our sheds to sell on eBay and then donate the proceeds to the cause.
Just a thought..............
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Rossvickicampbell on September 22, 2009, 01:13:44 pm
yeah Firko - the account is a good idea for those of us a bit far away to come!!  Also I like ebay - gives us a chance out here to bid!!.

All the best with the effort.


Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: dirtrumpy on September 22, 2009, 01:20:29 pm
Hi Firko,
           When will you have the dates finalised for this worthy cause? I know it is very difficult to avoid any clashes with race meetings etc, but can i put my hand up for it to be on the 7th November to avoid clashing with the all British day in Victoria on the 14th and 15th.

Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: bazza on September 22, 2009, 03:21:58 pm
 Let us know the account and i will do a whip around the girls at the mermaid bar and send some money. KIWI KLUB KEVLAR. Great mob the Clarke family and hope we can help
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on September 25, 2009, 05:07:43 pm
I'm just back from a meeting with the manager of the Alroy Tavern where we mapped out the logistics of the
1st Annual Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine-Noel Clarke Benefit. We've setled on holding the event on Sunday, November 15th.

The support has been beyond belief with corportate support coming from KTM, Yamaha and hopefully the other biggys. The number of pledged private donations has been amazing considering we've only just kicked off the campaign. We'll have a new bank account up and running as of Monday or Tuesday at the latest for those wishing to make direct donations. Be asured that every single cent donated will go direct to Noel with not a penny of the donated money used to fund promotion or anything else. The Alroy Tavern has promised to help out with half page ads in the local press leading up to the event. An anonymous benefactor has offered to print flyers for distribution at bike shops and other outlets and Hawkesbury Radio will do some saturation promotion in the week leading up to the show, including me doing an interview on their popular motorsports show. I'll also have a talk with Moto TV about them possibly doing a TV coverage.

We'll be placing a good percentage of the donated booty on eBay to enable the items to get as many bidders as possible and to allow those who can't make the show to contribute. We'll also hold an auction on the day with some cool items that have been specifically donated. The publican has indicated that he'll talk to a few of his liquor distributors to see if they'll donate some product for auction. VMX Magazine have kindly offered to donate some items for auction as has Walter from YSS Shock Absorbers. From next week I'll be starting to do the hard yards ringing around to as many businesses as I can think of to raise product and cash donations. If you've got a business associated with the motorcycle industry, you'll eventually be hearing from me so there's nowhere to hide!

Despite raising money for Noel this is also a great opportunity to show off our precious toys and already a number of racers have indicated that they'll be debuting new bikes. Ken Lindsay from the Post Classic Association has promised that he and his group will have a club stand and Ken may be debuting his newly restored C&J framed Honda XL350 with a bit of luck. I'll soon contact HEAVEN and Penrith club to do the same. We've approached the Vintage speedway guys and it looks like we'll also have a cool display of classic speedway bikes of both two and three wheels. The main focus of the show however is our classic motocross and dirt track tackle. I'm pleading for as many of you to bring as many bikes along as you possibly can. This is a red letter opportunity to show the general public what our sport is all about so lets get as many bikes of all classes and eras there. Don't be afraid to bring the family as there'll be clowns and entertainment for the kids and the Alroy has a great kids playground to keep the littlies active and happy. It's a great chance to socialise without the usual race day distractions.

This is Klub Kevlars first promotion as a group and we're taking it very seriously. We're keen on promoting our sport to a wider audience and with Noel being a personal friend to us this is the perfect opportunity to help a mate while doing something for the sport. For it to all work however, we need your support so please, set Novewmber 15 aside and come and help your sport and a fallen comrade in one day of fun. ;D
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on September 26, 2009, 12:49:11 pm
Latest update:
Jeff Leisk and Carl Fuller at KTM Australia have just let me know that they'll be donating a KTM SX50 to raffle off for the Noel Clarke Fund. I'm now going to challenge the other manufacturers to match their generosity. ;)
This is snowballing far quicker than we had even remotely envisioned. It just goes to show that when when a well loved member of our fraternity hits hard times, the motocross community is pretty quick to put their hands up to help. The support from the industry is coming in with almost hourly regularity with no sign of the generocity easing. :D
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Tossa on September 27, 2009, 12:43:31 pm
yeah Firko - the account is a good idea for those of us a bit far away to come!!  Also I like ebay - gives us a chance out here to bid!!.

All the best with the effort.



I hate to say it but Fatboy 2 has come up with a good idea.  if you're unable to put anything on ebay, PM the account details and I'll donate from here in the West

Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Curly3 on September 27, 2009, 06:11:58 pm
Count me in for a hundred.
As you know I went through my own life changing injuries a long time ago and although I struggled to cope at the time, it pales into insignificance.
If I can be of help in any other way, please don't hesitate.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on September 28, 2009, 07:35:05 pm
I've finally set up a specific account for the Noel Clarke Benefit Fund. You can be assured that every cent deposited in the account will be specifically directed to Noel or to other recipients as directed by the Clarke family.
The St George Bank details are:
Account name: Mark Bernard Firkin
Account number:484400886
BSB Number: 112-879

Please give to a good cause. We've decided to raffle off the major prizes including the KTM SX50 and other big ticket items. Other donated items will be placed on eBay to allow a wider number of people to partipate and to enhance our chances of making more money. There will also be an auction on the day of the Show'n'Shine to inject some fun into the equation! Just today alone YSS has kindly donated $2000 worth of vouchers, Ace photographer Bill Forsyth has donated a full bike photo session, Gary Armstrong has donated some Extreme t shirts and a number of people have offered cash donations. I'm having meetings with Yamaha and Suzuki later in the week and have only just started on the
ring around to the industry. So as I said, this is for an outstanding cause so please, please dig deep. 
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: albrid-3 on September 28, 2009, 09:04:36 pm
Lets honour next years Australian Vintage Titles and the entry money is donate to Noel Clarke and his Family or fund raise months before. firko you are doing a very good thing, it will be well supported.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Davey Crocket on September 28, 2009, 11:02:33 pm
Posted the number boards off today Mark.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on September 29, 2009, 09:07:44 am
Thanks so much John. It's a good thing you've done mate.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on September 29, 2009, 10:02:49 am
As much as the object of the Noel Clarke fundraiser is simply to raise money to buy him a Levo wheelchair, the other more fun aspect of the exercise is the Show'n'Shine. The method behind Klub Kevlars madness is to raise the public awareness of our sport by showcasing the bikes from the past and to have a bit of fun doing it!. It's also an opportunity to socialise without the distractions that invariably pop up at the races. It'll also be a chance for our families to meet each other and become more involved in our passion.

Brett, the publican of the Alroy Tavern has been extraordinarily supportive of the event and has indicated that if everything turns out as well as we expect, he'd love to see it become an annual event. He told me that when the derelict old mansion was being redesigned as a pub, the landscape layout was designed to accomodate such events. The gardens are spacious and well laid out with a 'main street' style paved area which we plan to use along with plenty of 'overflow' shady and grassy areas if the numbers exceed our expectations.

We're encouraging racers and enthusiasts to bring as many bikes as possible. This is the perfect opportunity to display that 'Garage Queen' that you wouldn't ordinarily take to the races along with your regular race tackle. Sure, we encourage you to bring those rare, exotic and concourse classics but we also encourage everything from examples of unrestored, as found 'Barn Finds' right through to your regular racers. All we ask is that you present your bike in as best light as possible. Give 'em a wash, a bit of a wipe over with Armor-All and a bit of TLC. It'd be a great idea to print up and laminate a simple description of your bike that tells passers by the make, model and year, what modifications are done to it, and any interesting aspects of the bikes build and its history. Little things like that help 'newby' show visitors to understand what theyre looking at.

To enable us and the Alroy to get some idea on how many bikes and participants so we can start organising logistics and catering needs could we get an idea how many of you are planning on coming and how many bikes you'll be bringing please? This is to enable us to work out some sort of display layout that doesn't intrude in the pubs normal activities.
Tony and/or Pete Clarke are coming up from Bendigo to represent Noel and we also hope to get as many old racing greats along. This morning Dean Burt told me that he'll be there and I hope to encourage Hans Apelgren and Per Klitland and many more old legends........
If you're coming, please PM me and let me know how many bikes you're intending to bring.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: HuskyPete on September 30, 2009, 01:30:14 pm
I will be there with a fleet of Huskys, 67 360, 74 250 mag, 75 250 GP, 76 Auto, 82 Silver Streak, and maybe a couple more if I can fit them in. I will donate a spare copy of VMX #4 and a Brad Lackey signed Husky Jersey (American Flag type) to be auctioned off.
We all need to get behind this idea of Firko's and PLEASE drop him a email and let him know who can make it on the day, it will help enormously to know the numbers coming and it's for a good cause.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: ted on September 30, 2009, 11:05:25 pm
I`m in Mark...a 465 H and hopefully the debut of the 125 H
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 01, 2009, 07:09:15 am
Thanks Pete and Ted. The response to my request for numbers has been unbelievably underwhelming. Surely more than six of you care enough about promoting our sport and helping a severely injured fellow racer? Come on guys...........
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: TT on October 01, 2009, 07:34:47 am
The response to my request for numbers has been unbelievably underwhelming. Surely more than six of you care enough about promoting our sport and helping a severely injured fellow racer? Come on guys...........

Hopefully everyone is just confirming what they can do to help as we speak.  ;)
I would consider the VMX community one of the most generous bunch of blokes and girls that I've ever come across when it comes to someone needing a favour like picking up a bike etc, this is waaaay more important than that stuff. So let's help out a mate here.
Even if you've never met him, like me.  :D

 If you haven't got the cash to spare, get along and support this event and make it something worthwhile attending.
That will in turn attract numbers and then more dollars to get this chair.  ;D
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Sun Prarie Jimmy on October 01, 2009, 07:42:46 am
Only 6 replies Firko? We'll be there with a swag of Hondas and some stuff to auction. Come on people, Firko and the klub kevlar boys are doing this for Noel and all they ask is for a bit of support. I bloody hope that everyone gets behind this. If it's all right for Jeff Leisk to support you'd asume more of you would put your hands up. They only want a show of hands, not your teenage daughters :-\
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 01, 2009, 07:56:39 am
I've had a couple more replies but I was hoping to be able to give the publican a ball park number so he can start allocating staff and catering. We're having a meeting on Monday so I'll go out on a limb and tell him 100 bikes.

We're still looking for donations as well so don't forget to dig into your stash for something to auction or some cold hard cash. We won't be happy until we've bought Noel his Levo wheelchair so we're not going away! ;D
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 01, 2009, 06:53:17 pm
This is unbelievable..........no response whatsoever. Thanks for the support fellas.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: ted on October 01, 2009, 07:43:58 pm
Its still 6 weeks away......She`ll be allright
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: colmoody on October 01, 2009, 07:49:52 pm
Firko any idea as to start and finish time at the pub. Wont hold you to it.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Hoony on October 01, 2009, 08:15:56 pm
This is unbelievable..........no response whatsoever. Thanks for the support fellas.

sorry Firko, as much as i feel the need to get involved in the show n shine and the nature of the fund raiser i won't make it up north due to very heavy work commitments till Feb 2010, i committed to be involved in a large project since May.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 01, 2009, 09:58:13 pm
Its still 6 weeks away......She`ll be allright
Yeah I know it'll be OK on the day Ted but as I explained, I needed show of hands to be able to give the publican a ball park number. It's not that we expect everyone to commit at this early stage but we would have expected some sort response, but there hasn't been ANY interest at all from the forum regulars. Recieving no replies at all is a bit underwhelming, to say the least.
Firko any idea as to start and finish time at the pub. Wont hold you to it.
I don't quite understand your question Col. If you mean the start and finish times on the day, the manager has indicated that he'll open the gate for set up at 7am. I envision closing to be around 3-4 pm. I don't understand the "Wont hold you to it" part mate.
i won't make it up north due to very heavy work commitments
I wouldn't expect you to come all this way Hoony. The target audience are the NSW racers and enthusiasts. While I don't expect many of them to know Noel, the Show'n'Shine is being set up to promote the local VMX scene as well as raising a quid for Noel. It's all about selling our sport to the general public and to raise awareness to a wider audience. Magoos great show'n'shine earlier in the year inspired us to do something and Noels injury has given us a cause. We want to raise 25k for the Levo wheelchair and won't be satisfied until we do.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Graeme M on October 01, 2009, 10:07:02 pm
I've added a short piece on the OzVMX Home Page, but if you have a nice pic and some words about the Show n Shine I'll add that in too...

And providing nothing else comes up in the meantime, I'd like to make the drive over to check it all out and contribute properly.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: colmoody on October 02, 2009, 05:20:24 am
Firko I was just wondering if you had envisaged a start and finish time which may help some (me) whom maybe cant be their all day but would like to be their and contribute for say half a day (me) with there planning.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: basil44 on October 02, 2009, 07:03:05 am
On a brighter note Mark, I
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 02, 2009, 09:40:52 am
On a brighter note Mark, I
I may be missing something here but there seems to be a little something missing from your post John. ???

BTW John, I got the package. Thanks so much matey! Brad Lackey has agreed to do one and I've sent him 4 so he can get a few more of the 'fast guys' to sign them. I'll take one up to Per over the weekend and have a few more legends ready to go. I'll get them back ASAP.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: GMC on October 02, 2009, 09:47:10 am
I wouldn't write off the reaction yet Mark, this site is well read but not everyone reads it everyday & it's members are spread far & wide. The NSW members may just be working out what they are doing that weekend.
It's a great concept for a great cause but I don't imagine I will make it up thier myself. I am still thinking about how I can put something into the cause myself. Will be in contact soon.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: vmx42 on October 02, 2009, 11:34:06 am
Hey Geoff,
You could graft a stinkin' great V8 into the chair when Noel gets it.
That will put a smile on his face!!
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Curly3 on October 02, 2009, 07:30:11 pm
I know you'd like to see it become an annual event Firko and I personally think its a great idea.
It could also be promoted as a forum meet up and charity fund raiser.
What about Trophy's for certain catergories eg- Best "factory" Resto, Most Original Bike & Best Custom.
Just a thought.
I may be able to sponsor one of them.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: TT on October 02, 2009, 07:33:52 pm
Apart from my cash donation, I'm keen sponsor a 'class' if you choose to have awards of some sort.
Perhaps best SP370................?  :D :D :D

Seriously, count me in if you choose to go down that path.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 02, 2009, 07:50:23 pm
We're having our first meeting on Monday at Jonesys where we hope to set out a plan for the days activities. We initially talked of having  Best Japanese, Best Euro and Best British awards but if we can get some generous benefactors to sponsor classes (thanks Tony!) we could extend it to best eras..ie Best Evo, Best pre 85, Best pre 75 and so on. We're having speedway and dirt trackers there as well and Ken Lindsay has indicated the post classic road race guys are coming so perhaps we could extend the trophies even more. We'll know more on Monday.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Davey Crocket on October 02, 2009, 10:00:39 pm
I'll try again..... flippen computers, I think it will be OK on the day Mark, just a thought, what about your mate Mr Boyd, maybe he can bring a 100 or so bikes along to show?. I'm shaw that would draw the punters along for a chance to see the biggest collection of dirtbikes in Aussie, probably the southern hemisphere?. I'm shaw somebody on this forum must know him well enough and it is a great cause. On a brighter note I've just ordered 3 bottles of Moor Geist Snapps from northern naziland, will be interesting to see how much customs rapes me ::). Cheers mate, John.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: TT on October 02, 2009, 10:23:05 pm
If that collection comes out of hiding, I'd almost consider jumping on a plane to see it.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 02, 2009, 10:54:51 pm
i wouldn't be holding my breath waiting for the Boyd collection getting a public viewing. There's more chance of Pamela Anderson selling raffle tickets with with the Kevlar girls on the day. :o There'll still be plenty of exciting hardware (bikes, that is!) going by the confirmations I've received over the last few days. I also received the news today that my new piece of exotic Japanese livery, the nicely patinated DT2MX will arrive next week, allowing me to display her at the Show,n,Shine.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 06, 2009, 05:48:50 pm
Thanks so much to everyone who've donated money to the Noel Clarke Benefit. So far we've raised $775.32 which is terrific but still a long way from the target of $25 000. If you can't donate goods for auction or attend the
Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine at the Alroy Tavern in Plumpton on November 15 please dig deep into your pockets and donate direct into the funds bank account:
Account name: Mark Bernard Firkin
Account number:484400886
BSB Number: 112-879
There are some exciting things underway that we should be able to announce later in the week.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: fatboyracing on October 06, 2009, 07:32:54 pm
Keep up the great work Mark and please everyone keep the donations coming If everyone donates what they can afford then Firko will have the 25k very soon and will make Noels life so much better.

Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: TT on October 06, 2009, 07:42:22 pm
1228 members on here with obviously more than a passing interest in the sport.

If we each drop in just 20 bucks, we'll soon make the life of one of our own a little easier.................  ;D
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 06, 2009, 07:52:13 pm
Thanks boys. That's a good point you blokes have made. If every forum member gave 20 bucks we'd be well underway to getting Noels wheelchair.
We had a $100 donation from the USA this evening which was a lovely hands accross the sea gesture. The amazing thing is that he's not a member of the forum (that I know of) and isn't known to me.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: TT on October 06, 2009, 09:36:22 pm
Good to hear Noel's out of hospital and doing the rehab thing.  ;D
So he's going to need that chair sooner rather than later.  ;)
Also sounds like he's going to be a bastard to beat at arm wrestling pretty soon too...................  :-\
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 07, 2009, 12:14:23 pm
PM Sent Hornet. Thanks so much for your support.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 07, 2009, 03:36:15 pm
Thanks Anette and to the others who've contributed over the last few hours.
I had the belief that at least the forum regulars would show their concern for a fallen fellow vintage racer and contribute to the cause but it's proving that I may have expected too much from people. The amazing thing is that most of those who have contributed don't actually know Noel. I still have the faith that Noels fellow Victorians and the other members of this forum can dig in. It's amazing that we can outlay crazy money on our bikes without a blink but to spend a small percentage of our bike budget on helping a bloke who's life's fallen into deep shit seems to be too big an ask.
Trust me...We're going to get that bloody wheelchair ;).   
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: VMX247 on October 07, 2009, 03:48:14 pm

Once again for those that missed it...

Noel Clarke Benefit.
Account name: Mark Bernard Firkin
Account number:484400886
BSB Number: 112-879

Easily done on the internet or take a stroll to any bank down town. ;D
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Old Husky on October 07, 2009, 07:20:39 pm
Well done Firko, I will bring a few Huskies up and I will get around to more of the Gong boys to get there as well.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: KB171 on October 07, 2009, 07:35:44 pm
It wasn't to hard find a $100 to add to the collection for Noels Benefit,I HOPE a few more Victorian members of the Classic Scramble Club, Victorian Classic Motocross Club and  Viper Club can chip in, Every bit helps ,bigger bits will help more  ;)
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: TT on October 07, 2009, 10:16:11 pm
The amazing thing is that most of those who have contributed don't actually know Noel.  

Tis true that I don't know Noel, but his brother reckons we've met once before and that's close enough for me.  ;D
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Tim754 on October 08, 2009, 10:19:25 am
Next time your over this way Tony I will take you to Brian Clarkes. Tim
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 08, 2009, 12:25:24 pm
This mornings uppdate: $1205.32
Only $23806.68 to go. 
Any of you who've ever raced at Ravenswood will know just how much the Clarkes have put into our sport. It's time for us to help them out now. Keep those donations coming.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: TT on October 08, 2009, 12:34:04 pm
Good to see you got my 32 cents.  ;D
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: VMX247 on October 08, 2009, 01:13:48 pm
Good to see you got my 32 cents.  ;D

bugger off ! that was my piggy bank  ;)   :D 
every cent counts  ;D
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 08, 2009, 01:23:21 pm
That 32c may be the most important 32c ever donated  8)(BTW,it's not Tony, the 32c is a part of a much larger donation from one of the nicer forum members.)
Tony, your old mate Super Hunky has agreed to help us out with some autographed merchandise. I'm waiting on replies from Brad Lackey, Bob Hannah and Neil Hudson. Let's hope they can help out. A forum member has kindly donated a number of front number plates for me to get famous racer autographs which he will then add numbers and graphics and we'll put 'em up for auction at the Show'n'Shine. If anyone has any contact with famous overseas racers from the past, please let me know their contact details and I'll hit 'em up for their autographs.

If you can't afford to make a donation to the fund, perhaps you can donate something for us to auction? It doesn't have to be worth a lot of money, it just has to be something someone else would bid for. Dig through your stash and see what you've got. We've all got crap we don't need that someone else could use.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: TT on October 08, 2009, 01:43:02 pm
Are you talking to Terri or Bob Hannah?
Bob's hard to catch but if you get hold of Terri, I'm sure she'll do something.
Nice people.  :)
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: bazza on October 08, 2009, 03:24:30 pm
Firko will put some cash in mail to castle de Firko
How about some thing from your favourite Auzie Bindy?
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 08, 2009, 07:10:23 pm
Thanks Mikey....
How about some thing from your favourite Auzie Bindy?
At this stage I'd even take money of that evil daughter of Satan Bindi Irwin, as long as there's no direct eye contact involved. :-\
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Graham on October 08, 2009, 08:57:04 pm
Done my bit moneys in the bank,     now challenge to all other QLD'ers  dig deep and show you care,  ( who knows it my be you next )  :'(
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: maicoman18 on October 09, 2009, 02:05:49 pm
Hey Firko, will send $50.00 if I can call you Bernard from now on??   ;D :D

Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 09, 2009, 02:27:59 pm
I'll even let you call  me Bindi for a donation.......cheers, Bernie!
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: maicoman18 on October 09, 2009, 02:43:05 pm
"Bindi, Bernie Firkin", that's worth an extra $50. Money has been sent Bindi

Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Tossa on October 09, 2009, 05:47:11 pm
you get mine Bindi, Bernie, mark Firko Firkin!!
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 11, 2009, 06:34:30 pm
Thanks chaps it's very much appreciated.....I can announce that Bob Hannah, Shane Watts, Super Hunky, Harry Everts and Roger D have all contributed auction merchandise for the cause. The forum response however has been painfully slow, especially from Noels home state of Victoria. We're not asking for your monthly mortgage payment as a donation guys, just whatever you can afford.

I'm having a hard time coming to grips to the fact that many folks seem reluctant to throw a lousy $20 or $50 into the bucket to help purchase a wheelchair for one of our own, a fellow vintage racer whose life will never be normal again but we'll nearly all spend ridiculous amounts of dosh on our bikes. Somehow methinks our priorities have gone out of whack.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: albrid-3 on October 11, 2009, 06:46:12 pm
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Curly3 on October 11, 2009, 06:59:42 pm
I'm still good for my donation Firko, just waiting for a bit of cash flow.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Davey Crocket on October 11, 2009, 08:28:47 pm
Did you know Firko that Shane Watts had a big get off a week or so ago while practicing for the 6 Day. Bike hit him in the back, hes getting 5 vertebrae fused next week, reckons he'll be OK and back riding soon. How tuff is that bastard!! Cheers John.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: mainline on October 11, 2009, 08:28:59 pm
Apologies, I'd been meaning to chip in since I saw the thread a few days back, but hadn't spent much time in front of the computer lately. Just sent a few dollars down the wire.

Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 11, 2009, 11:20:32 pm
Did you know Firko that Shane Watts had a big get off a week or so ago while practicing for the 6 Day
Yes I did John, Shane, through his DirtWise riding school has been donating a percentage of his earnings to an injured rider support group http://www.riderdown.org/forum/index.php (http://www.riderdown.org/forum/index.php)and has offered to donate shirts to those fundraisers like us to auction to raise funds. Here's the Wattsy update...............
Former World Enduro Champion Shane Watts has sent an update on how he crashed and his current condition, the Australian explains below.
"Thanks for the outstanding support I have received from everyone since I crashed last Thursday while setting up for a Dirt Wise school near Kansas City.

"Pretty much is was just one of those dumb, slow crashes at only about 5mph (which probably should not have even happened). Anyway, as I went off a 3 meter high creek bank the engine stalled, which resulted in an abrupt endo and trip over the hangers. I landed sprawled out flat on the creek bed and the bike proceeded to have an intense, direct impact on my spinal column just below my shoulder blades. This resulted in three broken ribs, but more importantly multiple fractures to the six vertebrae between T3 and T8.

"Following several days of hospitalization in Kansas City and a flight back to Charlotte, NC to see our specialists here, there were conflicting opinions about the severity of the injury and the best option for total recovery. With more consulting today it was determined that one on the vertebrae had started to collapse and that surgery was the only option.

"Therefore I'll be heading in tomorrow (Thursday Oct 8) for surgery to have the fractured vertebrae fused together. I'll spend approximately 3 days in hospital for observation and pain management but then will be able to walk on out of there and begin light, every day activities as I continue to heal. Following about three months of recovery and rehab the specialist says I'll be ready to get back out on the trails again and get into it!

"So again, thanks heaps to everyone for their emails of support as we really appreciate that. We will post updates to our website every few days following the surgery to let those who are interested know what my progress is. "Also, check us out on Facebook for additional updates-just search "Shane Watts" and become a fan.

"I can tell you though that I am pretty disappointed that this injury prevented us from attending the ISDE (6-day) in Portugal, from Oct 12-17. I was planning on making this my last ISDE ever. Unfortunately this is not the ending I was looking for....

"There are still about 5 shirts available for giveaway for groups for fundraisers/raffles. If your group is doing something to raise money, drop us a line and tell us about it and we will send you out a shirt to raffle off!

"We'll see you all back out on the trails again soon!"
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: SUZUKI311 on October 12, 2009, 12:43:04 am
Unfortunately i will not be able to attend the show and shine due to my littlest boys first birthday, but i will forward on my $100 donation either by direct deposit or give directly to Noels family. Come on Victorians, most of us know Noel and his family, get in and support what Firko has started, its not an easy or five minute job to do what Firko has done, lets get in and help.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Tim754 on October 12, 2009, 10:00:55 am
Hmmm and I felt crappy because I have only donated $20 ....so far.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: GMC on October 12, 2009, 10:08:52 am
That's fine Tim, every dollar counts.
I haven't given anything as yet but do intend to, still planning some things in my head.
Rome wasn't built in a day as they say, we just need to keep plugging away.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 12, 2009, 11:32:01 am
Hmmm and I felt crappy because I have only donated $20 ....so far.
Tim...This isn't a donation contest mate. We only asking for people to donate what they can afford. You're $20 is a great gesture and as equally important as another blokes $200 so you shouldn't feel crappy. Instead, you should feel good that you've done something for someone.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: GMC on October 12, 2009, 04:37:54 pm
See "for sale" section
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 12, 2009, 06:42:22 pm
I just spoke to Brian and Tony Clarke and they informed me that Noel is going exceptionally well to the point that earlier fears that he was a quadraphlegic were a bit off. It now looks like he'll be a paraphlegic with full use of his upper body. All good news but he still needs our support. Get over to the GMC-Noel Clarke Auction thread and bid on a shiny new GMC pipe.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Tim754 on October 12, 2009, 06:53:28 pm
Damn my above post did not read quite as I was trying to say...sort of like the bit I just typed there. I was just foolishly chastising myself for being a bit tardy.
 Going on your news above Firko wonder just wonder if I could make some "safe changes" to a certain Honda sidecar that might see Noel getting a bit of track time in the future.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: piney on October 13, 2009, 09:53:34 am
Great job Firko ! well done !!
i'll be makin my donation as soon as i get off the forum an i'll bring a couple of bikes along for the show an shine
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: 211kawasaki on October 13, 2009, 03:22:39 pm
I would like to donate a personal EPIRB for the Auction or supply it somewhere similar to GMC and have the guys bid for it. These are the EPIRBS or PLB's more correctly that would save the life of a trail bike rider if they get lost, injured or otherwise in the backblocks. Its the new McMurdo Smartfind 211 PLB and retails for $749.00. (Im the Australian Distributor)

Will make a good addition to a serious trail riders bum bag and should be manditory if you ride in remote areas.
On another note just letting you know that I will be down on the 15th with a few bikes Colin Metcher may also - see you there.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 13, 2009, 03:33:52 pm
Fantastic Dave........How do you want to do it, as GMC has done with his great pipe auction or at the Show'n'shine?
This is a good idea. Does anybody else have a product they'd like to donate for a 'private' forum only auction?
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: DJRacing on October 13, 2009, 05:55:52 pm
I'll donate this to auction, if anyone would like it.

It is signed by "Joel Roberts" and "Roger DeCoster",

the signage is (borrowed  ;)   :-X ) from CD5 and was the main sign directions to the "sign in" area.

If it brings in any money to help Noel, and someone with a liking of past Suzuki Champions and a little VMX Aussie style memorabilia.


Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 13, 2009, 05:59:13 pm
I'll go first DJ...it'll fit in well with the rest of my 'borrowed' sign collection.....$50
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 13, 2009, 06:03:56 pm
I would like to donate a personal EPIRB for the Auction or supply it somewhere similar to GMC and have the guys bid for it. These are the EPIRBS or PLB's more correctly that would save the life of a trail bike rider if they get lost, injured or otherwise in the backblocks. Its the new McMurdo Smartfind 211 PLB and retails for $749.00. (Im the Australian Distributor)
Seeing I always seem to get lost when I'm out on the trails, I could do with a location beacon. It'd take more than a chocolate bar to kep me alive If I got lost in the wilderness! Here goes to kick it off....$100
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Curly3 on October 13, 2009, 06:22:23 pm
I'll bid $100.00 for the VMX sign and $250.00 for the epirb.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: pirie593 on October 13, 2009, 07:05:27 pm
$150 for the sign.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 13, 2009, 07:16:06 pm
Sorry to interrupt the auction frenzy but I thought I'd drop in a donation tally update:
As of 10 minutes ago we've raised $2005.32 That's getting better! If you don't want to contribute directly why not bid on the GMC pipe or DJs sign or Daves PBL. I'll wait until these go off and then I'll put some items up for grabs myself.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Curly3 on October 13, 2009, 08:07:01 pm
$200.00 for sign.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: 211kawasaki on October 13, 2009, 10:03:38 pm
Ill bid $300 for the PLB myself

Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Curly3 on October 13, 2009, 10:17:09 pm
There's still a fair bit of time left Dave, I'll go $350.00.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: FourstrokeForever on October 14, 2009, 06:10:22 pm

Tremendous effort you are putting in here. Im sure Noel and his family appreciate all the effort you are contributing on Noels behalf. Without sounding like I'm blowing smoke up your arse, you are a true ambassador for our sport.

Just as a thought; does everything donated to the auction need to be motorcycle related? Maybe there could be other products included. I dunno, stuff for the missus or kids. As a bonus here, we might get in the good books for a few rides without the usual "but i thought we might..."

I know I can dig up some stuff from when I was doing the resale thing at the markets....Surround Stereo speakers, video cameras and whatever else I can find.

Just a thought; Maybe someone here runs a hotel/motel/resort that can donate a room for a night or 2. Or a hairdresser/beautician treatment. Most of us struggle for ideas for gifts for the "ministry of all things wise" until it's in our face. Even better if the money is going to a wothy cause!

For what its worth Firko, IF there are any Victorians that would like to take a bike or 2 to the show n shine, The Bike Movers will donate the time to get them to the event and back FREE OF CHARGE. All I ask for is  fuel money there and back which can be divided among the guys wanting to take bikes. It might cost say $50ea if enough of us get onboard. I can comfortably take 14 bikes. The good thing here is, ALL bikes in my care will be fully insured for the trip. Any body who has seen my setup knows that the bikes will be treated with the utmost care.

MA also has a pretty impressive bike collection too Firko, maybe they can lend a bike or 2?

Let me know how I can donate the speakers etc.

Cheers. Mark

Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 14, 2009, 06:45:30 pm
Jeez Mark, what a ripper. Thanks for the nice words but I'm only one of a group of us putting this together.
You've bought up some great ideas for raising a buck for Noel. There's no restrictions on what you can donate mate. As long as we can get a quid for it....that'll do us. I love the idea for getting the guys up for the Show'n'Shine. If any Viccos want to come up, please let Mark know and get something going. As for the speakers and other stuff there are a number of ways to handle this...You could send the speakers up and we could auction them on the day, I could put them on eBay or, you could open up an auction on this forum similar to what GMC, Dave and DJ have done. It's your call. The forum auction seems to be an idea worth following but the concept may die from over exposure if too many do it at once. There's only so much money to go around. It's your call Mark, give it a shot  ;D
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: FourstrokeForever on October 14, 2009, 07:46:52 pm
How about i meet you somewhere on the hume near you on mornin of 27th? I am due up Sydney then. Or I can drop at your place. Your choice. That way I can save some dollars on postage as the speakers are pretty friggin big. And theres a Brand New mountain bike which will cost a fortune to courier.
 I think the best way to tackle this is to auction the stuff on the day so people can take it with them on the day. I will leave it up to you to decide what you want for it.  You can either send me a message or call me to let me know. Numbers are on the website.
I`ve already got 1 other mexican comming up with me.....a couple more would be better.  ::)
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: bazza on October 14, 2009, 09:07:48 pm
Firko i have taken a suzuki usa riding shirt,new,with Roger de Coster signing off the walls of the Kiwi  Klub Kevlar office at the Mermaid Bar and it is yours to Auction.I will send pics tomorrow night and you can load them on site
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: vmx42 on October 15, 2009, 01:27:05 pm
HI Guys,
Please take a look at the For Sale section http://ozvmx.com/community/index.php?topic=10095.0

I have placed an extremely limited edition set of prints from the One Moment in Time page of VMX Magazine up for auction.
All proceeds to the Noel Clarke fund.

Happy bidding
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: vmx42 on October 15, 2009, 02:37:06 pm
HI Guys,
3 More very rare VMX Classic Dirt posters are up for auction in the For Sale Section: http://ozvmx.com/community/index.php?topic=10097.0

Have a look and lets make some money for Noel.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 15, 2009, 03:23:30 pm
Hey guys, this is overwhelming but let's not forget Dave Tanners generous PLB auction and DJs autographed VMX sign.
I'm a bit worried they might get buried amongst the deluge of other auction items.

For those of you who aren't sure just what a PLB is, legendary love god Chuck Holley explains how a PLB works on thie following You tuve clip. Chuck displays a slightly different model but you'll get the message. I reckon this is a cool gadget for those who like to go bush on your bike or for anyone who takes a risk of being lost or hurt, miles from civilisation. Over to you Chuck.......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjrC-9Kv2Gc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjrC-9Kv2Gc)
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 15, 2009, 04:53:43 pm
come on guys....How about bidding on something that may just save your or someone closes life.
$375 on the PBL and $205 for the stolen sign!
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: vmx42 on October 15, 2009, 04:59:03 pm
DJ didn't steal that sign… he asked nicely.

and that is why Doc also has the CD Toilet sign in his… Toilet!!

Perhaps a VMX sticker on the PBL, or mentioning that it could be really helpful for Montesa riders [when their bike breaks down on the far side of the track].

Its all good
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: FourstrokeForever on October 15, 2009, 05:57:18 pm
Ok. I wouldnt mind the PBL. There are there the odd times when I ride solo. $500 is my bid.

Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: pirie593 on October 15, 2009, 06:58:04 pm
$220 for the sign
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: 211kawasaki on October 16, 2009, 09:52:22 am
Hi Guys

go to


you will find out about the PLB and how it can save you in the bush, also check out the AMSA website at www.beacons.amsa.gov.au


Dave T
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: SON on October 17, 2009, 03:18:53 pm
What about I donate 1/.an Autographed Jim Pomeroy Green Oval front plate, that will ad value to any Pursang.
2/. A Brad Lackey TShirt in Lge or XL.
3/. An Autographed Casy Stoner helmet Visor, thats worth $500 on Ebay anyday.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 18, 2009, 10:46:00 pm
Great Son, How do you want to do it? Auction them on here or send them to me so we can either put them on eBay or auction on the day at the Show'n'Shine? Your choice my friend. Thanks so much for helping out.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 19, 2009, 03:41:09 pm
Things have slowed down a bit on the direct deposit with only $100 going into the a/c since 14/10 The balance is currently $2125. It's been gratifying to see that the forum auction action has been running hot and I've had a rush of other items to put up over the next couple of days. Jeff has posted another signed Joel/CD6 poster and Paul has kindly posted a Roger D signed Suzuki jersey for auction. If bidding isn't your thing, the bank account is thill accepting donations. Please keep it up, this is a great cause.
The bank details are.......
Account name: Mark Bernard Firkin
Account number:484400886
BSB Number: 112-879

Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: SON on October 19, 2009, 05:35:36 pm
The Pomeroy Plate and the Bad Brad Shirt Auction on this forum I am happy to have a forum member win them, but the Casey signed visor should go on ebay where it will raise the most money (One I donated 3 weeks ago went for $1,000) it should make $500 min on Ebay.
ps I would like to see a photo of the DeCoster shirt so I can bid for it, thanks
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 19, 2009, 11:03:06 pm
http://ozvmx.com/community/index.php?topic=10143.0 (http://ozvmx.com/community/index.php?topic=10143.0)
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: pirie593 on October 19, 2009, 11:12:31 pm
Is there a cut-off date for the "borrowed sign" ?  If I win the auction, do I have to give it back?  Will I go to jail  ???
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Noel on October 20, 2009, 08:26:40 pm
Do you know the street number of the" Alroy" on Rooty Hill Rd North,   is it 371?
so those Coming from out of area can find it ,
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: vmx42 on October 21, 2009, 10:36:16 am
HI Guys,
Please take a look at the For Sale section for 3 more rare and unique items for sale to benefit the Noel Clarke Auction.

1. Heinz Kinigadner PUCH Jersey

2. Andre Malherbe O'Neal Jersey

3. Jim Pomeroy T-Shirt - a true, one of a kind, unique signed shirt
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 21, 2009, 12:33:32 pm
Noel...I'll be drumming up support for the Show'n'Shine after I return from Timaru early next week. I'll have all of the details on how to get there along with local motels/pubs for those who may need to stay over.
In the meantime, the adress is indeed 371 Noel......The Alroy Tavern Ph: (02) 9625 4250. 371 Rooty Hill Road North, Plumpton
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 28, 2009, 01:24:15 pm
The current balance for the Noel Clarke fund is  $2,225.32. I'd like to thank everyone who's deposited money in the account. It's a great show of your goodwill and, it seems trust.

Although I've assisted in other campaigns I'm a rookie when it comes to this kind of fund raising. I'm going into new unchartered territory and have followed what I thought was the correct protocol. A couple of days ago while having a conversation with a friend while in NZ and airing my disapointment that the direct deposit part of the fund raising wasn't working as well as I'd hoped, he told me that he'd heard that 'many' people were reluctant to put money into the account because it was in my name and not Noels or in a trust name. I was quite taken aback by that and was shocked that my honesty would have been challenged. I had genuinely believed that protection of my public profile within our movement would have been enough to show that I could be trusted with handling the donated money. If I had used any of the money, even the spare 32c, for anything other than supporting Noel I would lose any credibility I may posess in the vintage movement, something that I take very seriously. Quite simply, I'm an honest man and would never consider doing anything dishonest, especially seeing that Noel and his family are dear friends of mine.

After brooding over this for a couple of days I can now see that the account being in my name may give cause for hesitation in donating from some people. I realise that not everybody knows me and with money being at a premium these days they possibly have good reason to be wary.

When I enquired into opening the account I at first tried to open it in Noels name but he would have to be a signatory on the account which made that a bit out of the question. I then attempted to open the account in Klub Kevlars account as a charity account (or something similar, I'm having trouble remembering the details) but because KK isn't a registered club or organisation that wasn't an option either. In the end I just opened another account in my name as I was the only signatory there and it was the easiest option.  I've now been told that I could have done it differently but my naivity and inexperience in these things got in the way. Until that conversation in NZ, nobody had even shown one iota of concern or offered an alternative so I figured that I'd done the correct thing.

To show that everything is above board, it had always been our intention to post the transaction details in their entirety and/or send them to anyone who requested them. That of course still stands with one proviso. Once we decide that the fund raising has come to its natural conclusion we will make all of the transaction details available to anyone who requests them. Before I post the details on the forum, I feel that the donors privacy should be considered. Some donors may wish their contributions to be kept private so if that is the case, please let me know by PM and I'll make adjustments to disguise your identity.

In closing, myself and the small number of Klub Kevlar members involved are doing this out of our wish to help out a fallen mate, no other reason. There are no ego, greed or dishonest motives involved here and believe me, there are many other things in our lives that aren't recieving the proper attention they should because of the time involved in this.  I promise that every single cent donated will end up with Noel Clarke and no other place. I'm a bit upset at this doubt at my motives and honesty but when I sit outside the fence and look at it from the eyes of somebody who doesn't know my and my partners in the fund raiser's integrity, I can see their point.

I hope the above explanation has convinced those of you who have held back for the above reason to have a change of mind and contribute to this great cause. Maintaining my integrity and respect in the vintage movement and my wish to see Noel get some financial support are far greater than the temptation some see me yielding to......thanks Mark.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: TT on October 28, 2009, 01:34:45 pm
Well said, Mark.
I can only agree that there are enough people that know both you and Noel, and if that money didn't get to the right place, the world would know about it.  :D
I must say though, that when I did my fundraiser for Childhood Cancer last year, I didn't find the same hesitancy.
From Suzuki handing over 2 V-Stroms, to blokes we met on the road handing over $100 notes. All they saw was the money going into my wallet, but they trusted that it would end up in the right place.
And thanks to that attitude, we raised just on $40k.
I guess I can understand why, but people do sem to me far more wary than ever before.  :-\
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Davey Crocket on October 28, 2009, 10:00:24 pm
Did you get those other number boards yet Mark? Your doing the right thing, dont doubt yourself !!! cheers John.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: firko on October 28, 2009, 10:45:04 pm
Thanks John, I got'em just as I was leaving for NZ and promptly sent 'em straight on to Brad. I only hope they got there in time before the Tony D Benefit.
Thanks for the kind words. I don't have any doubts we're doing the right thing.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: Davey Crocket on October 31, 2009, 11:45:52 pm
Will be posting some goodies to be auctioned on Monday, they look fantastic.
Title: Re: Fund raiser Show'n'shine.
Post by: 211kawasaki on November 02, 2009, 08:05:41 am
Hi Guys

at this stage the PLB (EPIRB) has been bid by TBM to $500.00 these things are retail at $699 and the $500 bid is great but buying it cheap. I will PM TBM today and notify him that he has the bid unless anyone tops him. Want the money in the bank for the cause before the 15th

Someone want to own it for $550??????