OzVMX Forum
Marque Remarks => Husqvarna => Topic started by: dave on September 09, 2007, 09:39:53 pm
I wish I'd never sold my..1983 XC250 and before that my CR250 1974 and before that my WR400 87 and before that my 1982 CR250 and CR390 1979 and before that my WR250 1977. If only I could find another one air cooled Husky :'(
Git ya ass over here to sweden! You'll find old Huskies (atleast late model seventies and early model eighties) come very cheap! Or how about a -83 cr500 running condition 3-6000 sek aproximatly 540-1090 AUD... For a bike in mint cond, and I mean MINT, you'll prolly have to pay something like 3700AUD... A complete resto case ( no parts missing), everything from 90-750 AUD depending on condition...
Hope I didn't make you too jeallous :-D
Cheers mate!
Full throttle folks!
Oh Jens r u married or single? I'll do anything :P for a stable of sexy aircooled huskies :'( please, please marry me and take me..............................I mean over to Sweden.
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Ummmm.... Dave, I'm pretty sure Jens is a blokes name. Take one for the team Dave, one for the team. :o :o :o
He did say anything. :D
I know I'm going to regret selling my 85.5 WR400. Lucky the current owner is a mate who knows to call me if he decides to part with it...
broke back mountain on this channel
He did say anything. :D
I know I'm going to regret selling my 85.5 WR400. Lucky the current owner is a mate who knows to call me if he decides to part with it...
???Are you sure hes a mate Nathan, this just popped up on ebay and the numbers are a striking resemblence to your race no. :-\ ;D ;D
This could be your big chance to save all those " I WISH I NEVER"
Jeez that boy is soft. One itty bitty broken shoulder and it's up for sale... Without the phone call... >:(
Gonna call him and give him hell tomorrow. ;D
Dont think he wants to come out and play ;D ;D ;D ;D
Looks like we might get to race against a new 818 :-*
Terribly sorry Dave! I'm either married NOR single ;-D
Well, I envy you guys "down under" for being abled to buy cheap old four strokers like Suzuki DR's and Honda XR's. Not that I care too much for the actual bikes but the powerplants sure are great to fit in dual shock MX frames like for instance old Huskies.
I guess you can't have it all?
Young Dave and others,
Our Svenska Mate Jens is having us on. I have been to Sweden in search of the elusive Swedish built air cooled muvva. And yes they have them there, but no one was giving them away and most of the ones I saw (CR390 and CR430's) looked like they had been riden, raped and bashed by a hord of vikings. Very sad units with the added cost of carting the things half way around the world. Post that trip I put plan C into place which resulted in my taking possession of a pre loved CR 430. Made in Sweden down to the last nut and bolt. They are here in Oz, just need to look hard.
All the best
Husaberg Pete
Yup. ITTY BITTY broken shoulder :o requiring surgery on 16th of this month after 3 months going no where with the healing. Oh, did I mention also cracked vertebra in my neck and that im extremely lucky im still walking ::) As for the husky.. Dont recall you saying you'd want it back if I sold it. Should of yelled out if you wanted it, I would of pulled it straight away so you could have it.. :-[ First you would need to do an exorcism, that bastard was a killer. ;D ;D
Jeez that boy is soft. One itty bitty broken shoulder and it's up for sale... Without the phone call... >:(
Gonna call him and give him hell tomorrow. ;D