OzVMX Forum
Forum Help => System problems? => Topic started by: John Orchard on August 08, 2023, 02:04:48 pm
See above :-)
The warning isn't coming up anymore. Just did an update of Firefox so maybe that was the problem.
Nah I still have to go "advanced" to get in, I'll have to figure out my Microsoft Edge info.
I also tried to login to ozvmx from my Windows computer. Same problem. Ok from mobile phone
Works fine with chrome so looks like its a local issue with your PC.
Ok I will try with Chrome, was using Firefox. Thanks
I have just checked from my computer, It is a problem with Firefox, Chrome and Androif Mobile is ok
Tried Chrome, still no.
There is obviously a problem with the security certificate and its currency. Google/Chrome and Microsoft are understandly paranoid about security as is our own virus checker and as soon as something isnt right they either issue a warning or block us.
my mobile Android is obviously happy, i dont have the maximum security settings.Our desktop (windows) is much more secure and is i"ntermittently " happy to log into ozvmx.
Our powets to be will obviously need to look into this.Pls excuse spelling and grammar as i am doing this on my mobile
I believe you have hit it on the head Peter. Its an issue with an over zealous security program on the users device marking the page as a possible threat for some minor issue with the page or the host. Lowering your security settings or marking the page as safe should see the issue resolved.
I run low settings on windows preferring to make an educated choice rather than allow a glorified spell checker to make choices for me. I dont run an AV at all for much the same reason as annoying false positives but I do have malware programs set to scan quarantine and ask for instruction once a week. And before someone says its risky i am microsoft certified in various platforms.
Pokey, good to hear we have people on board with the skill set Many years since I was involved with Microsoft and computing security.
Mine all good now, not sure if 'I' fixed it, I stumbled through clicking this & that on & off :-)