OzVMX Forum

Clubroom => General Discussion => Topic started by: Wasp on April 02, 2019, 05:15:18 pm

Title: All electric soon ?
Post by: Wasp on April 02, 2019, 05:15:18 pm
Should that move to electric cars come through , what will it do to classics and classic racing ? Just urios what everyone is thinking about that .
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: Hoony on April 02, 2019, 05:46:16 pm
its gonna happen....... ::)

 i predict mainstream MX will be electric in 15 years or sooner, i don't like them as they sound like blenders.... but they do go.

the pollution debate will make this happen and VMX as we know it will become a novelty eventually.
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: Slakewell on April 02, 2019, 06:15:05 pm
I look forward to the day I stager out the pub , swipe my CC in a slot and my driverless electric car takes me home.
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: FAT-TOY on April 02, 2019, 06:31:47 pm
  Then all we have to do is find a way to stop all of those inconsiderate cattle from farting and then sack all of our coal miners and close down the mines.  Then everything will be fixed.

Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: 80-85 husky on April 02, 2019, 07:09:34 pm
good luck with that....
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: Wasp on April 02, 2019, 07:41:03 pm
The way everything is shifting so quick lately ( gay marriage ,gun ownership , immigration policies , veganism etc . ) How will the programmed  community  judge people that are burning fossil fuel just for fun ? Will  those events stop be still OK ? Will people still look at those bikes as being desirable, because they burn fuel ? I knew electric  and fuel cell vehicles would come one day after I have gone , but now things are on overdrive and could well become reality before the end of the next decade. I don't know , just thinking ..........
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: djr on April 02, 2019, 08:17:30 pm
I can see a time when the majority of cars are electric ,
but I think combustion engines still have a future in some applications
Long distance trucks, military vehicles, small aircraft, some plant and machinery , or any vehicle that you want to cover a long distance quickly without a long stop for charging

also we don't know if battery and charging technology will ever be as good in the future as some claim

in a way it could help vintage cars & bikes - if we use less oil for commuting to work , the oil we have left will last longer so we can carry on using vintage stuff a bit longer without trying to use alternative fuels like ethanol etc.
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: Butcher on April 02, 2019, 08:39:35 pm
where will the electricity come from to recharge the batteries?????  maybe god will provide......
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: Lozza on April 02, 2019, 08:44:10 pm
 Not so long ago around the turn of the last century the automobile was begining to become common place, I'm sure there were many that said they will still be riding on a horses back etc etc etc. Are there still horses around now? If there are horses what are they mainly used for now?
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: jimg1au on April 02, 2019, 09:55:36 pm
i would love to have the new tesla sports car or the 3 engined suv
sports car
0-60mph in 1.9sec
0-100mph 4.2sec
standing 1/4 mile 8.8sec
620 mile range
and all wheel drive
top speed over 250mph
yes all mph
went all over them in the showroom in hawaii
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: brent j on April 02, 2019, 10:14:34 pm
KTM make an electric version of the Freeride.

I would love to try one. It has the same frame as my 350 so it will handle the same, it weighs the same and has the same rated horsepower and I have a good suspension solution.

This will be a bike that has no clutch and cannot be stalled. It has maximum torque from idle and it's quiet so I can ride it nearly anywhere.

The downsides at present are range, recharge time or if I'm super keen the cost of a spare battery.

Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: Oldfart on April 02, 2019, 11:03:59 pm
And what energy will they use to  charge them with ... solar/ wind / nuclear / coal ( nothing is clean )    , not to mention the lithium and cobalt re-cycling issue once the batteries are forked.
They have factories  full of dead solar panels they do not know what to do with yet.
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: djr on April 03, 2019, 03:55:14 am
i would love to have the new tesla sports car or the 3 engined suv
sports car
0-60mph in 1.9sec
0-100mph 4.2sec
standing 1/4 mile 8.8sec
620 mile range
and all wheel drive
top speed over 250mph
yes all mph
went all over them in the showroom in hawaii
these are all good figures , except no one from Tesla etc. mentions that if you do several back to back 1/4 mile runs etc.  sometimes the car shuts down to  allow the batteries to cool down & recover .
and what happens if you use the performance often , do you shorten the battery life ? 
 same as using the superchargers all the time, what does this do to the batteries ?
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: jimg1au on April 03, 2019, 10:26:33 am
I did some back to back races on sunday I shut down as well
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: Wasp on April 03, 2019, 11:13:50 am
KTM make an electric version of the Freeride.

I would love to try one. It has the same frame as my 350 so it will handle the same, it weighs the same and has the same rated horsepower and I have a good suspension solution.

This will be a bike that has no clutch and cannot be stalled. It has maximum torque from idle and it's quiet so I can ride it nearly anywhere.

The downsides at present are range, recharge time or if I'm super keen the cost of a spare battery.

Brent I have a electric Mountain Bike , its great fun , Does 50 km/top speed  and has a range of about 25 km if you don't pedal at all . If a manufacturer would make something a bit more race bikish (stronger forks , bigger battery , better shock , slightly stronger frame ) , I think it would be a top seller .  The question then , what will happen to the classics ? I understand Icons like Ossa,Puch  or a original works bike will hold their value forever , But what will happen to the bikes that have been modified  and blinged up ? If it has wheels , people will always race it , but I think they will choose the most convenient options ....just pondering .....
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: skypig on April 03, 2019, 11:54:03 am
No doubt electric vehicles will play a big part in the future.
The technology has advanced incredibly. I have an Electric skateboard that does 40km/h, with a 50km range. Amazing.

Continuing the pondering:
I think we all live through different era’s. I don’t think the youth of today have the same interests as we did (generally speaking). I don’t think in 40 years time, anyone will be restoring a 2017 Hyundai i30 “Like I had when I was 18”.
60’s 70’s and 80’s bikes and cars are mainly interesting to those of use that were living in our prime during that era. A time of amazing advancement.

I think the electronics, and lack of design longevity will make current vehicles basically impossible to keep going, let alone restore.

Fuel availability, places to ride, and interest means there is very little likelihood that anything like VMX will be around in say, 40years time.

Won’t worry me - I’ll be likely killed on my electric skateboard before then.
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: Tomas on April 03, 2019, 02:21:20 pm
In ten or so years we will be able to buy  real flux capacitors and travel in time. I am planing on traveling  to 1980 to buy some leaded petrol so I can keep riding.May even buy som new new stock parts for my bike.
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: Slakewell on April 03, 2019, 05:55:47 pm
Why do old white men worry so much about so very little.
I own my old bikes because I like them and they bring me joy, I don't care if in 10 years time there worthless, it's about what works for me now.
I own 2 guns and can buy any that I actually need so I don't understand this tin foil hat shit about no guns.
Electric bikes may give me more areas to ride in so I am keen to get one, no air filters or oil changes , I have been in a Tesla and those things go fast as last weeks pay so what's not to like?
We are being left behind in Australia in many regards to new tech just because we don't like change , I hope we don't end being the dumb country because of fear.
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: pokey on April 03, 2019, 08:03:56 pm
Not sure Im quite that ready to panic just yet. I was going to ask if anyone was old enough to remember lead in petrol though perhaps the question should be has anyone not killed off all their brain cells and can remember full stop.
We managed to get around the Lead issue in the fuel and the paint, The asbestos in the mufflers and brake pads and who knows what else tried to kill us us so electric bikes im not that worried about as its just another fad.
Sure they are replacing many IC vehicles, Asia is full of silent scooters and super car manufacturers are exploring the possibilities but as we know, they come at a fairly hefty price and they have the mentioned issue of a recharge grid being incomplete and I feel it will be just like 4G, Dead before the next fad  arrives.
Hydrogen seems to be the next contestant and wouldnt it be cool to have a 2030 model  injected two stroke  KX250HO
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: Barra on April 03, 2019, 11:17:57 pm
In ten or so years we will be able to buy  real flux capacitors and travel in time. I am planing on traveling  to 1980 to buy some leaded petrol so I can keep riding.May even buy som new new stock parts for my bike.

Make sure you stay for a few weeks - those parts will have to go on back order!  ;D ::)
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: Glen08 on April 04, 2019, 04:31:19 pm
Electric from 1879 and the Tesla AC power grid in Chicago , early 1920's.. Where DC creatures and meant to have a direct grounding with the Earth's emf, not rubber insulators.. Driving around in 5g millimetre frequency fuel cars frying your nuts...no thanks.
Musk will shortly launch 20 odd thousand fridge size satelights to impose 5g hell on us all..
Thats a big concern.!
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: djr on April 04, 2019, 07:47:53 pm
Been thinking a bit more about this
Archery is still popular , even though the gun should have made the bow & arrow obsolete
Horse racing is still popular, even though after the car was invented some people would have thought motor racing would replace it
Steam trains still in use, with lots of enthusiasts keeping them going
people still use boats with sails & oars, when there are plenty of cheap outboard engines available
saw an old  bi-plane fly over the other day

so i think vintage cars/bikes will keep being used as long as someone is still interested in them

Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: Butcher on April 04, 2019, 08:29:25 pm
anyone even been near a start grid with old pommie bikes? If that can be replicated by batteries,then ill start to watch em....
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: FAT-TOY on April 04, 2019, 09:06:58 pm
  I also have been doing some pondering and I have noticed a lot of advertising on TV, for sponsors for endangered species like Tigers, Gorillas, Bears etc.
  So here are my thoughts on the endangered old motocross and other vintage race bikes.  I might be convinced to start a charity, whereby sponsors would send me say $15 a month, to help save these old bikes.  Then as these funds grow, I would purchase what I consider to be endangered motorcycles, restore them back to original condition and give them a safe home.     
  All sponsors would be sent a photo of the bike that their money has helped save, as well as a Christmas card each year.  I haven't ironed out all of the problems yet but it might be worth a try.
   Just thinking of the bikes and how I can do my bit.
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: topari on April 13, 2019, 10:53:15 am
I sometime wonder if Industry is keeping some well guarded secrets. Imagine a battery the size of a cigarette packet that runs for 20 years and produces 240volts. Such technology would change the world and also change the world Geo-political balance. I wonder.
Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: shoom on June 09, 2019, 03:57:27 pm
Nah, don't believe the hype..
Battery technology might get better maybe 10 - 12% in the next 20 years, they're  already pretty much the best they can be right about now.There won't be any quantum leap in battery technology as much as the creators try to hype it.

There will always be room for petrol-burning vehicles forever pretty much, and as long as they keep fuel affordable and as long as I can still ride my bikes and go racing on the weekends, I'm down with having an EV. I mean if you only commute around the city (says max 40 - 50 k theremiut and back to get to/from work, its gonna be cheaper than a internal combustion car) and there are cars  on sale now like certain mitsubishis that the EV option is the same price as the petrol car.

As before, as long as I can still get fuel for my bikes and they dont outlaw powersports, I don't mind.
I doubt it will go electric as it will take tinkering away, there wont be any messing around with gearing and sprockets etc, or engine mods, every bike will be the same.. I dont think crowds will be down with that, and the noise is half the draw of these events.
Anyway, I sure hope I'm right in 20 - 30 years time.

Kind Regards,

Title: Re: All electric soon ?
Post by: mboddy on June 09, 2019, 05:59:21 pm
I doubt it will go electric as it will take tinkering away, there wont be any messing around with gearing and sprockets etc, or engine mods, every bike will be the same.
There already are performance after market mods for electric cars. Better batteries and battery controllers that allow higher currents. Different mapping of accelerator pedals with switchable maps.
One of the guys in our electric vehicle club has bought a Zero SR road bike that he is improving the performance of.
The race car guys in our club build insane vehicles that have been thrashing the fossil cars that they compete against.